‘I spoke with Lenín Moreno three times.’ Carlos Pólit used the president’s name seeking to save his son John from a sentence for the Odebrecht case – 2024-05-10 18:01:09

by times news cr

2024-05-10 18:01:09

Pólit boasted of having international support

The former comptroller began to give his arguments to Sánchez. He stated: “If my son is involved in this, I have to make the corresponding demand. I already have to do it. And fortunately, all the ones I have presented I am winning.” Sánchez asked him if he was referring to international demands. The former comptroller told him yes.

Then, Pólit told him that he had received the support of the secretary of the Organization of American States (OAS), since he was the president of the Board of Auditors of that organization, and also of several ambassadors, such as that of the United States, that of Spain and that of Italy.

By naming former US ambassador Todd Chapman, Pólit told an anecdote: “Who do you think gave (him) the thirty-three reports with two criminal indications that I made to Odebrecht? I. I ordered it and Wilson Vallejo delivered it and he went down with Daniel Fernández. The Embassy car arrived and we handed him over. “I handed it over so that the United States can investigate Odebrecht.”he claimed.

‘It’s Correa’s people’

Sánchez listened to his friend’s arguments and looked for where to park, until he finally accepted the idea of ​​the call. “We insisted on Pablo. “Right now we talk and we insist,” he said.

While the businessman was maneuvering the vehicle, Pólit let go: “And even if it means saying: ‘Pablo, I’m sending you a loud message with Diego.’ (…) And tell him that I spoke with him. I spoke with (Lenín) Moreno three times. (…) Moreno had commissioned the (Johan) Pesántez and Pesántez was by Alexis Mera. I never got along with Alexis Mera. Then she did nothing.”

Johana Pesántez was the legal secretary of the Presidency throughout Moreno’s term. She also held high positions in the government of Rafael Correa Delgado, among them, that of Minister of Justice, between 2011 and 2013.

Pólit asserted that when Moreno found out that the Prosecutor’s Office was prosecuting John Pólit, the president commented: “This is not fair. How are they messing with the family?”.

However, Moreno’s will was not enough, Pólit stated, since Pesántez’s opposition was added to that of Rosana Alvarado, who at that time was the Minister of Justice. “Neither of those two people love me yet, because It’s people from Correa”, he stated.

At this point, Pólit told another anecdote: “Moreno asked Alexis to stay. And I remember all those conversations that existed. And Alexis told him no, that he was retiring and that he was only going to dedicate his professional life and be attentive to defending President Correa. Inclusive he said it publicly in a meeting where we were one day. Yes. And he recommended her to this lady (Pesántez).”

When he finished this sentence, Sánchez made a first call, but there was no answer. The transcript of the conversation shows that he did so in seven more times, all with the same result. The call could not be made and the friends said goodbye.

Al final, The sentence against John Pólit was revoked, in January 2021, three months after the conversation. A court of the National Court of Justice accepted the cassation presented by him and declared him innocent. The magistrates José Layedra Bustamante (speaker) and Javier De la Cadena Correa They gave their favorable vote, while Milton Ávila Campoverde opposed it.

That same court, however, confirmed the conviction against Carlos Pólit. In addition, he has a suspended trial for alleged organized crimesince this crime cannot be tried in the absence of the accused.

Furthermore, Pólit was found guilty in the United States for having laundering bribes in that country, with the help of his son John, but he was not accused. The verdict was issued on April 23. The sentence will be known on July 18. (I)

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