Today is another day, Concita De Gregorio reveals: “I had a hellish youth: great torments and great night cries”

by time news

Among the guests of Today is another day also in the episode of Valentine’s Day Concita Gregory. The 58-year-old journalist and writer talked about her professional and private life on the occasion of the presentation of her latest book ‘Letter to a girl from the future’. “I have had very unhappy loves, not reciprocated. I was a little girl full of complexes, I felt terribly ugly. I had a hellish youth, made up of great torments and great night cries“, De Gregorio confided. “And who consoled you?” Asked the host. “Alone. So I learned to care and love myself more, ”she replied.

Then he explained: “The success? I think doing something you really enjoy is one way. If you do what corresponds to you and don’t try to imitate someone else, if you do it with love, then you induce the care and respect of others and consequently the interest in what you do “. “Sometimes it happened that I didn’t win, even if I’m very stubborn, I have a great sense of discipline. I have never given up even though I have a very melancholy temperament. I come from a small provincial town (born in Pisa but raised in Livorno, ed), I traveled the world with scholarships. I come from a simple family“. Finally he concluded with a joke about Emma Marrone and Francesca Michielin, on the stage of the Ariston: “The only moment of the Sanremo Festival that really moved me was their embrace. They are two very established artists who should be competing according to some parameters, but their embrace was a truly authentic gesture. It didn’t seem like a marketing or discography operation to me ”.

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