If you are planning to conceive, then do this work first; There will not be a single problem – if you are planning to get pregnant then take preconception conception – 2024-05-12 14:58:19

by times news cr

2024-05-12 14:58:19
Are you also planning pregnancy? If your answer is yes, then you should do preconception counseling. In this you get to know about your chances of conceiving and other factors. This is an important step for planning pregnancy in the future. In this, possible factors related to pregnancy, health and healthcare professionals are discussed for guidance for healthy pregnancy.

If you are also planning a pregnancy, then you should also take preconception counselling. This is explained further in this article.

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Infertility has become a problem

According to the Indian Journal of Community Medicine, infertility has become a significant global health concern, affecting approximately 8 to 10% of couples globally. It is estimated that out of the 60-80 million couples facing infertility worldwide annually, about 15 to 20 million (25%) live in India alone.

Problem of infertility arises

Onlymyhealth Dr Rajeev Aggarwal, IVF specialist, Renew Healthcare, Kolkata, said that at least 10 to 15% of married couples are facing fertility problems at some point of time. Many couples think that they will plan pregnancy later and due to delay, infertility starts knocking. Of those who delay pregnancy, 54% face problems conceiving in their 30s.

What is preconception counseling?

Preconception counseling is an advisory in which couples are given some important advice before conceiving. Preconception health means taking care of your health before conceiving and knowing whether you are completely healthy or not. Whether you are planning a family now or thinking of it later, it involves setting goals, planning and most importantly, taking care of yourself during preconception.
PC: pexels

What are the benefits of preconception counselling?

Preconception counseling includes evaluating and treating existing medical conditions, looking at what lifestyle changes need to be made, understanding fertility scores and reproductive windows, guidance on delaying starting a family if necessary, natural Determining fertility time for conception. All these things can be known through preconception counseling and efforts are made to correct the problems in time.

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