2024-05-13 19:06:40
A scientific project by researchers from the Dutch universities of Amsterdam and Maastricht analyzed tissue samples from mice and humans after physical activity and concluded that thanks to sports and increased exercise, the accumulation of fat tissue in cells caused by aging can be reduced. The findings were published in the online scientific journal Nature Aging on April 12, Radio China reported.
The researchers note that these results represent an important step in understanding the aging process, although knowledge in this area is definitely still limited. But what is certain is that both the young and the middle-aged are paying more and more attention to fitness as an important part of a healthy lifestyle.
From 2022 to 2023, China’s outdoor sports industry continues to develop at a very rapid pace. The main drivers of the sector are winter sports, road running and cycling, hiking, camping, etc., which are showing explosive growth.
“The social group of the generation born in the 1990s has become the largest group and the most important driving factor of the outdoor sports sector,” said Yang Xueyuan, director of the Sports Economics Department of the General Administration of Sports of China. . He adds that in outdoor sports, participants tend to be younger. According to data provided by Ma Fenguo, an online tourism and leisure activity platform, in 2022, among groups participating in outdoor sports, the generation of users born after the 90s has become the largest user group. group, occupying as much as 36.1 percent.
It is followed by the group of those born in the 1980s, which represents 32.5 percent. These two user groups represent 68.6 percent of all people who engage in outdoor sports, becoming the main participants in the sector and further driving its rapid development in recent years.