Biden: US and NATO pose no threat to Russia | Politics news from Germany | DW

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The US and NATO member states do not have missiles on Ukrainian soil and have no plans to “place them there.” This was announced on Tuesday, February 15, by US President Joe Biden, addressing the nation.

“The United States and NATO are not a threat to Russia. Ukraine is not a threat to Russia. Neither the US nor NATO have missiles in Ukraine. We have no – no – plans to place them there. We are not targeting the people of the Russian Federation. We are not seek to destabilize Russia. To the citizens of Russia: you are not our enemy,” Biden said during a speech at the White House.

Addressing the Russians, the American leader said he did not believe they wanted “a bloody, destructive war against Ukraine, the country and people with whom they have such deep family and cultural ties.”

He recalled World War II, noting that Americans and Russians “fought and sacrificed side by side in the most terrible war in history.”

“If Russia attacks Ukraine, it will be a war of choice”

“World War II was a war of necessity, but if Russia attacks Ukraine, it will be a war of choice – a war without cause or pretext,” he said, adding that he was not trying to “provoke” but wanted to “tell the truth.”

“If Russia does invade Ukraine in the coming days and weeks, the human cost to Ukraine will be huge, and the strategic cost to Russia will also be huge,” the US President warned. “If Russia attacks Ukraine, it will be met with overwhelming condemnation international community”.

“Invasion remains very possible”

Biden stressed that the United States has not yet been able to confirm that Russia has begun withdrawing part of its troops from the borders with Ukraine. “We are not yet convinced that Russian military units are returning to their bases. In fact, our analysts indicate that they remain in a very threatening position,” Joseph Biden said.

The President clarified that Russia has increased the number of its troops near the Ukrainian border and in Belarus to more than 150,000 troops, and “an invasion remains quite possible.”

“The World Won’t Forget”

“The world will not forget that Russia chose unnecessary death and destruction. Invading Ukraine would be a self-inflicted wound,” the American leader warned.

Joe Biden also expressed hope that the crisis could be resolved through diplomatic means, given that Russia officially offered to continue negotiations. “We must give diplomacy every chance of success, and I believe that there are real ways to solve the security problems” of each of our countries, he stressed.

US proposes new arms control measures

The US president said the US is “proposing new arms control measures, new transparency measures” and “new strategic stability measures,” adding that “these measures concern all parties, both NATO and Russia.”

According to Biden, Washington is ready to take “practical, result-oriented steps that can advance our common security.” “But we will not sacrifice fundamental principles. Nations have the right to sovereignty and territorial integrity. They have the freedom to determine their own course and choose with whom they will cooperate. However, this leaves a lot of room for diplomacy and de-escalation. In our opinion, this is the best way forward for all parties,” the head of the White House is sure.

Washington will respond to attacks using “asymmetric means”, including cyber means

While the US “does not seek direct confrontation with Russia,” it will “retaliate with force” if Americans in Ukraine are hit, the US leader warned.

“If Russia attacks the United States or its allies by asymmetric means, such as destructive cyber attacks against our companies or critical infrastructure, we are ready to respond,” Biden said.

Washington is ready to respond to rising energy prices, he added.

Earlier, on February 15, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz held talks in Moscow with Russian President Vladimir Putin. According to the German leader, the “good news” is that there are enough points on which the conversation can be continued.

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