Minsk assures that there will be no Russian soldiers left in the country after the exercises | The most important political events in Belarus: assessments, forecasts, comments | DW

by time news

At the end of joint exercises with Russia, all Russian soldiers and military equipment will leave Belarus, the country’s authorities said. “Not a single serviceman, not a single piece of military equipment will remain after this,” Foreign Minister of Belarus Vladimir Makei promised at a press conference on Wednesday, February 16.

He recalled that Alexander Lukashenko and the country’s Ministry of Defense had previously announced the complete withdrawal of Russian troops from the territory of Belarus after the maneuvers. The minister also stressed that the Russian-Belarusian exercises did not violate any international agreement or document.

joint exercises

From February 10 to February 20, joint exercises with Russia “Allied Resolve-2022” are being held in Belarus. NATO expressed fears that they could be a cover for Russia’s impending attack on Ukraine. Minsk, in turn, called them a response to the “continuing militarization” of European countries.

Lukashenko said that these maneuvers are the business of Russia and Belarus only. He ruled out the possibility of a war with Ukraine, and also expressed the opinion that the conflict between Minsk and Kiev is beneficial only to Western states. Moscow denies that it is preparing to attack Ukraine.

On February 15, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced the gradual return of the military from the exercises. For its part, NATO demanded evidence of the withdrawal of Russian troops from the borders of Ukraine. According to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, NATO data, on the contrary, speaks of a build-up of forces, despite their movement back and forth. According to the West, Russia has pulled over a hundred thousand soldiers to the borders of Ukraine.

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