Nothing more than a bad PR stunt

by time news

Berlin – Well, that was probably nothing more than a bad PR stunt. When Vonovia and Deutsche Wohnen committed themselves in May last year to limiting the regular rent increases for their Berlin portfolio to one percent annually over the next three years as part of their merger, this sounded like a friendly gesture to gullible people in a difficult time at. However, even then, critics noted that in individual cases this could result in rent increases of up to 15 percent. Today, almost nine months later, it can be said that the critics were right.

In the case that became known to this newspaper, the tenant received a 15 percent increase from Vonovia, divided into two steps. To 50 euros a month on April 1 of this year and a further around 46 euros on April 1, 2023. That makes around 96 euros more a month in rent from April 2023. The commitment to raise rents across the entire Berlin housing stock by a maximum of one percent annually , brings the tenant absolutely nothing. She has received the maximum legally permissible increase. And with it all other victims who share the same fate.

This makes it clear that the promise to cap rent was above all one thing: an attempt to reassure tenants at a turbulent time without revealing to them the scope of the promise. So far, only rent increases of up to ten percent are known from Deutsche Wohnen. So it doesn’t dig into its tenants’ coffers quite as much as Vonovia, but it’s not hesitant. From the point of view of the tenants, it can be said that they cannot put much stock in promises that sound friendly. And politicians must recognize that corporate social responsibility is not far off.

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