The Prime Minister is trying to suppress the protest against him by unprecedented means

by time news

The Prime Minister of Canada, Trudeau, is threatening to use emergency powers that will freeze the bank accounts of the suspects in the financing of protests and investigations on suspicion of supporting terrorism against the citizens who contribute to it, protesters declare:

Three weeks of protests against Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau are driving him crazy, and his liberal leftist supporters are urging him to forcefully suppress the protests of truck drivers joined by tens of thousands more citizens, disrupting traffic at border crossings and blocking many streets in the capital Ottawa.

In the face of the failure of police and authorities to evacuate protesters from Ottawa, border crossings and other Canadian cities, Trudeau decided to exercise emergency powers, which have so far been used only once in Canadian history, by Trudeau’s father, Liberal Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, against activity Of a terrorist organization that kidnapped the Canadian Home Secretary along with a British diplomat.

The use of emergency powers to suppress civil protests is considered an unprecedented step in Canadian terms, as well as in the terms of any other democratic state, and indeed the Canada Human Rights Association yesterday issued a strong condemnation of Trudeau’s decision and made it a very excessive and dangerous move.

Trudeau himself promised to make use of the emergency powers “in a targeted manner”, and “not for long”. Among other things, he is threatening to launch an investigation on suspicion of terrorism, against the computerized centers through which mass funding is being carried out, which has already raised several million dollars to support the protesters. Also, as part of the emergency powers Trudeau is threatening to freeze the bank accounts of those suspected of funding the protest. This, in addition to suspending the car insurance of the participants in the protest. Along with the said draconian measures, Trudeau announced that he is also bringing in the federal police forces to assist the local police in the capital Ottawa and other cities where the protesters are disrupting the routine agenda.

Despite this, the demonstrators do not show any sign of surrender, and from conversations conducted by the media with random demonstrators it seems that they are full of confidence in the success of their struggle, even if they will be required to continue it for several more weeks. According to them, all of Trudeau’s intimidation attempts only prove how justifiable their claim is, and how important and necessary it is to fight for civil liberties in Canada, where a prime minister who does not even enjoy a majority in parliament dares to act in such unusual ways to suppress political protest.

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