School-work alternation, the processions from Rome to Milan: “Bianchi resigned”. Tensions in Turin between students and carabinieri: 7 officers injured

by time news

They ask resignation of the Minister of Education Patrizio Bianchi and the owner of the Interior Ministry Luciana Lamorgese. They protest against the model of school-work alternation, after the deaths of Lorenzo Parelli e Giuseppe Lenoci. Also this Friday the high school students returned to the square: in addition 40 cities processions and garrisons are foreseen. Two o’clock in Milan and Rome protests main, but also a Torino participate in thousands to the mobilization and the first moments of voltage between students and police in front of the headquarters of Confindustria. A few dozen young people, armed with gods sticks with which they supported the signs, they broke away from the procession and after launching some egg of paint, they forced the gate of the Industrial Union. THE carabinieri they used i batons to drive them away.

Thousands of Milanese students paraded in the center: in business square they turned on smoke bombs and unrolled a banner reading ‘recovery school’, raising the middle finger towards the stock exchange, like Cattelan’s finger, then they stuck signs on the Unicredit headquarters, accused of investing in weapons and polluting. Just before in Cordusio square – in white overalls painted red, goggles and mask – they had written ‘make school not war‘on a fence. The procession then ended in Piazza Fontana. In front of the archbishopric they wrote on a banner ‘legal euthanasia-legal cannabis. The Church out of our lives’.

“Can not be done dying of school”Says one of the banners placed at the opening of the procession of Milanese students, in memory of Giuseppe and Lorenzo, who died precisely during the school-work alternation. The Milanese high school students met in Piazza Cairoli and then left in the procession “against this school template”As we read on another banner. The parade passes through the center of Milan to close in piazza Fontana. Before leaving, the boys unrolled a banner on the statue in the center of the square asking to abolish the school-work alternation and explaining that “the alternation it’s just exploitation“. “Lorenzo Parelli and Giuseppe Lenoci are victims of an Italy in which three workers die everydayin which it was decided to send the students to work for free under the same conditions. We tear and set fire to the symbols of Confindustria because we know who wanted a school modeled on the interests of the bosses ”, shout the boys adhering to the Fgcthe Communist Youth Front.

A Roma student mobilization started in Vittorio square. “Minister Bianchi you have to resign because it is not adequate and represents our enemy ”, say the demonstrators who also displayed a banner against the Minister of Education. In Rome, the protest is organized by the student movement the magnifying glass. “At 16 you cannot die from work, two young people have died in a month”, shout the Roman students who took to the streets to protest against the alternation between school and work. “We thank the workers who are supporting the our protest throughout Italy – they say – With Giuseppe and Lorenzo in their hearts, killed by the system and the state ”. Behind the banner of the young people of the Roman high schools that reads “every school it will be a barricade“, Among colored smoke bombs and flags of the she-wolf, stand out numerous signs in memory of Lorenzo Parelli and Giuseppe Lenoci, the two young men who died in the school-work alternation.

A Torino the long snake, which started from Piazza XVIII December, points to the offices of Confindustria e Miur. “The students return to the square because it is unacceptable to die in school-work – he explains Simon Vialnational head of the Communist Youth Front, which organized the demonstrations in over 40 Italian cities – We are against this registration system that makes students forced to work for free and without rights and even risking their own lives “. “Today we return to the streets against the second testto ask for the abolition of the alternation between school and work and to demand a hold of responsibility from the repression towards students by the institutions ”, he adds Sara Munari, of the Ksa. A small group, close to Confindustria, broke away from the procession and tried to break into the building, starting clashes that also provoked seven injured among the police. These are six carabinieri and a police officer.

Red smoke bombs e stained hands of red paint a Napleswhere the demonstrators gathered in front of the headquarters of the regional school office of the Campania at the end of the procession which started at 9.30 from Piazza Garibaldi. “Lorenzo and Giuseppe are alive and fighting with us”, sing the students and activists of the social centers who organized the demonstration. Some of the protesters have stained the entrance door of the school office with their hands painted red.

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