Andrea Crisanti buys a 17th century villa: “Paid 2 million? That’s not true. And Covid has nothing to do with it, it’s the result of a life’s savings”

by time news

The price was “much lower” than two million of euro and “il Covid it does not have anything to do with it”. Professor Andrea Crisantia microbiologist at the University of Padua, denies much of the news circulated after he bought it a villa from the ‘600 on the Berici Hills, in the province of Vicenza. The residence is called Villa Priuli Custozais a dwelling attributed to Vincenzo Scamozzia pupil of Palladio, and has a garden from 1.2 hectares. But, Crisanti is keen to specify when interviewed by Corriere della Sera, “It is not true that I paid almost two million euros for it”. Furthermore, “to buy the property I used the my resources and those of my wife accumulate in a lifetime“. In short, the pandemic has nothing to do with it.

Indeed, the microbiologist says that the project to buy a villa in Veneto dates back to well before the arrival of Covid: “When I moved, we started to search for of properties. It is only the conclusion of an initiated process more than three years ago“. So, “Covid with the purchase of the villa it does not have anything to do with it“. Crisanti recalls: “A London per 25 years old I had a top position ”and his wife was also“ head of a department in a hospital ”. “We are just two professionals who a end of career they decided to do an investment. I sure couldn’t have scrapped into these two years the necessary money ”, explains the professor.

Money that, however, always assures Chrysanti, are much less than two million, as written by other newspapers instead. “I didn’t like the question of two million. The price was much lower. We took out a mortgage, it was like buying a house medium-large in the center of Padua “. Now, once the work is finished, “the dream is to spend a period of my life there”, explains Crisanti. Which then also confirms the desire to put the garden available to students: “It’s gigantic, it looks like a Sin that there are some institutes that do not have a bit of greenery. In the area there are few poles of aggregation, students will be welcome “.

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