Superbonus, after a squeeze on fraud, now a norm on work safety, for companies, a national collective labor agreement

by time news

After the squeeze on fraud comes the rules that oblige companies that want to access the incentive provided for by the law ad apply to workers the national sector contract signed by the most representative trade unions. The Superbonus thus becomes part of the government’s instrumentation for the fight against deaths at work, which has recently been growing. The Council of Ministers, in fact, has given the green to a standard, put on the table of the collegial discussion in recent days since Minister of Labor Andrea Orlando which obliges companies to apply the provisions of the contract. Therefore, not only wages, hours, holidays and illnesses but above all that “training and greater security“provided for by the ‘magna carta’ of construction for those who work on construction sites.

Therefore, those “carried out by employers who do not apply the collective agreements of the construction sector, national and territorial, stipulated by the comparatively most representative employers and trade union associations on a national level”, reads the device approved this evening, cannot be recognized for construction works. . And the collective agreement applied, the text provides, “must be indicated in the contract for the work and reported in the invoices issued in relation to the execution of the work”.To verify the correspondence not only fiscal but also ‘contractual’ will be the Revenue Agency which will make use of the National Labor Inspectorate, INPS and the Construction Funds. Obviously the rule is not retroactive and will not affect This provision does not apply to works started on the date of entry into force of the law.

It is a very important rule. With the Superbonus and with the bonuses that have been paid in this area, in fact, companies have grown, but often the improvisation through which labor has been recruited has also grown. All this to the detriment of the safety and condition of workers on construction sites. For this reason we have introduced a rule that provides as a prerequisite for the release of bonuses the fact that a good contract is applied, that is, a contract signed by organizations that have put the issue of safety at the center of their attention “, he explains. Orlando at the end of the Cdm.

“It is a positive fact for the workers, it is a positive fact for the companies that respect the law and that they make safety a fundamental objective, it is a positive fact for the company”, he says, reiterating the “all determination, all our commitment to combat insecurity in the workplace, and the risks that workers can run at work. If there is ‘good work’, if there is safe work, there is social cohesion, there is civilization“, conclude.

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