German Chancellor warned Moscow about the “high cost” of an attack on Ukraine | News from Germany about Germany | DW

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German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has warned Moscow of the serious consequences of an invasion of Ukraine. “Any further violation of the territorial integrity of Ukraine will entail high costs for Russia – political, economic and geostrategic,” the head of the German government said on Saturday, February 19, at the Munich Security Conference.

Scholz called for diplomacy without naivete

The threat of war in Europe is by no means off the agenda, Scholz stressed and called on Russia to take steps to de-escalate the situation. He once again expressed readiness for a diplomatic way of resolving the conflict. “We need as much diplomacy as possible, but without naivete,” the chancellor explained. Negotiations are the only way to interrupt the “crisis dynamics”, he is sure.

Scholz said that he had no illusions and did not expect quick successes, but “the fact remains that Russia has all the possibilities and resources” for military aggression against Ukraine. Therefore, it is necessary “to use even small doors through which you can open a space for negotiations,” Olaf Scholz urged.

No decisions on Ukraine’s accession to NATO are planned

According to the German Chancellor, the Kremlin declared the issue of Ukraine’s possible entry into NATO a casus belli (a formal reason for declaring war. – Ed.), which is paradoxical, since no decisions are planned in this regard.

At the same time, the head of the German government assured everyone that Germany would defend NATO allies in the event of an attack. “Germany unconditionally guarantees the implementation of Article 5 (of the North Atlantic Treaty. – Ed.),” he said. She shows her solidarity in practice, in particular in the form of an expanded presence of the Bundeswehr in the Baltic countries, as well as by helping NATO control airspace in southeastern Europe, Scholz said.

The conflict with the Russian Federation is the main topic of the Munich Conference

The Munich Security Conference is taking place against the backdrop of a sharply aggravated crisis associated with the threat of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. This topic is a key one at the current forum, where for the first time in many years there is no Russian delegation. On the eve of the head of the “DNR” and “LNR” Denis Pushilin and Leonid Pasechnik distributed video messages announcing the evacuation of the population to Russia. Metadata in Telegram shows that both appeals were recorded two days earlier, on February 16, although Pushilin himself speaks of “today” in the appeal.

On February 18, a car exploded in the center of Donetsk, and the authorities of the “LPR” announced explosions on a gas pipeline in Lugansk. US President Joe Biden said he expects Russia to attack Ukraine in “the coming days.” The head of the White House said he was confident that Putin had already made such a decision, including the decision to seize Kiev. However, Biden admitted that through diplomatic efforts, the Russian invasion could still be prevented.

By the morning of February 19, thousands of residents of Donbass were taken to the Rostov region, and other regions of the Russian Federation also declared their readiness to accept Ukrainian refugees. On the same day, general mobilization was announced in the “DNR” and “LNR”. According to Western intelligence agencies, about 150,000 Russian troops are stationed in the regions along the Ukrainian border. Moscow says it is not planning an attack.

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