Mollicone murder, the former warrant officer Franco Mottola under investigation for child pornography

by time news

In the phone of the former Marshal of the Arce Station, Franco Mottolaaccused in the trial for the death of Serena Mollicone, there were child pornography photos. The detail, reported by Ciociaria today, emerged during the hearing of the trial. For those photos the marshal is being investigated in Naples.

The deputy sergeant told the story in the courtroom Luigi Giobbe who spoke of “10 images that had caught our attention, they would be images with child pornography content”. And he adds that he also found an image of Yara Gambirasio and that of a woman hit in the face by a man. The photos are not dated and it was not ascertained whether they could be investigative material of the then marshal. In the trial for the death of the student in 2001, Franco Mottola and his wife are accused Anna Mariahis son Marco, the marshal Vincenzo Quatrale and the appointee Francesco Suprano.

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