According to the will: The new successor from Sanz Chakwa has been appointed deputy

by time news

During the funeral procession of the late Rebbe of Sanz Chakawa last Friday, in the Zopnik Square plaza, the mythical Haredi community buildings in Jerusalem, the Rebbe’s son-in-law was appointed to act as his successor.

The Rebbe’s nephew – Rabbi Sinai Halberstam, Av Beit Din of Divrei Chaim Shikun III in Bnei Brak, appointed the Rebbe’s eldest son-in-law – the Tzaddik Gaon Rabbi Shlomo Gashtan, Rabbi of the Givat Moshe neighborhood in Jerusalem and Motz The Haredi community ‘to replace him and serve as Rebbe of Sanz Chakawa in the Beit Midrash on Yonah Street in Jerusalem. Rabbi Sinai noted that the appointment according to the Rebbe’s will was in writing,

The late Rebbe, who did not have sons and left only daughters, sat in his life almost ten times over his brothers and sisters and also on his daughter who considered his life, in his will and at his personal request he asked that his son-in-law who stood to his right all years, he would serve under him.

With his father-in-law, the late Rebbe, with the Rabbi of the Haredi community, Gr. Weiss.

Upon his appointment, ‘In the Haredi Rooms’ submits a profile to the character of the new successor to the Sanz Chakwa family, who was known as a great arbiter, in his own right, and many who open his mouth but does not bear the traditional family name – ‘Halberstam’.

The Gaon Rabbi Shlomo Shlita, was born on 16 Iyar 5714, as the second son of the teaching column Rabbi Gaon Natan Gashtner ztl. Atal Tavalha, daughter of the late Rabbi Meir Chaim Unger, Rabbi of Kenbach.

The new Rebbe of Sanz Chakwa. Photo: Yehuda Perkowitz.

In his election, he studied at the Belza Yeshiva in Bnei Brak and later at the Kochav Yaakov Yeshiva in Jerusalem, where he was known for his perseverance and genius as a young man.

When he came to his senses, he married his rabbinical wife, Shlomza Eidel Dina, the eldest daughter of the late Rebbe of Chakawa, after his marriage he poured water by his father and was ordained to teach by the Haredi community governor, the late Weiss. Minchat Yitzchak ‘and by the Gaon Rabbi Meir Bransdropper, author of the “Hakana Boshem”, when he was later appointed as a teaching teacher in the Badatz “The Haredi Community”, where he sits and serves for about forty years.

With his brother G.R. Gestetner and his brothers-in-law, G.R. Weiss and G.R.

More than thirty years ago, he moved to the Givat Moshe neighborhood of Jerusalem, where he was crowned rabbi of the neighborhood, and was even crowned rabbi of the Lutsk Chassidim in the neighborhood. Halevi ‘, and already in his youth he gained closeness with the late Maran, the owner of the communities, Yaakov Staifler. He was also the right hand of his father-in-law, the late Rebbe, and his messenger to all his enterprises, and he would also send him the answers in Halacha that he would give an opinion.

Rabbi Shlomo is known as a great scholar who completed the Shas four times, orally producing pearls.

His agenda is wearily laden and begins already at night when he gets up at 3:30 to recite the entire book of Psalms, and then continues his study routine before prayer as he spends the whole day studying with friends, as well as studying with friends from Canada over the phone.

Two and a half years ago, on the 26th of Tammuz 5769, he married his rabbinical wife Mrs. Shlomza Idel Dina Gestettner His wife, who died at the age of 65 after a serious illness, founded the Neot Desha Institute for the Training of Brides’ Guides before their wedding, and has mentored many brides in classes throughout her life.

Carries the bed of his rabbinical wife.

Over the years he has been privileged to mingle with the Rebbes of Karlin Stolin, Viznitz, Sarat Viznitz, Toldot Avraham Yitzchak, Gavd Vienna, Kretschniff, Alexander, Dzikov Viznitz, and more.

Last Shabbat, the new Rebbe prayed the Shabbat prayers at the Divrei Chaim seminary, Sanz Chakawa, on Yona Street in Jerusalem, where a large crowd attended in his honor and participated in prayers and a third meal with the new Rebbe.

Baking matzah on the eve of Passover after midnight with his father-in-law, the late Rebbe of Sanz Chakwa

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