“The invisible thread”, if the son is disputed by two gay fathers – time.news

by time news
Of Valerio Cappelli

Filippo Timi starring with Francesco Scianna and the eighteen year old Francesco Gheghi in the film that Marco Simon Puccioni drew from the experience of his rainbow family

The invisible thread Of Marco Simon Puccioni (in theaters from 21 to 23, from March 4 on Netflix) tackles a hot theme: two fathers homosexuals, Filippo Timi and Francesco Scianna, and a child with GPA (pregnancy for others) where the woman lends her uterus. But what if the gay couple separates and the child is disputed? History prompts the question of what is normal. The bad term – he replies Filippo Timi -, I have always fought with it. Just because I didn’t play football I was the non-normal one. the I stammer and they tell me that it’s not normal, then I’m also an actor… For me all this normal.

In the film a mother poses as modern woman it is open, but the only family that conceives the traditional one; for, she adds her daughter, if you tell her that homophobic he replies that he has many gay friends. She – he comments Scianna – denotes thebackwardness of the language that is breathed in his family, not adequate to what life today desires and asks. For me, the normality adhere to one’s uniqueness, when you discover yourself, needs and needs. Part of history autobiographical; the director thought about what that means to be fathers: the priority is the importance of blood, treatment or what else ?.

It happens that the woman is not only a tool to have a child but relationships are built, new forms of similar kinship: there are proposals to make them a universal crime. Then marriage is, because arranged marriages exist, child brides … So many rainbow families they have to do with building relationships that allow you to build the dream of having a family and to raise a son. For Timi, religion must not divide but create bonds and if it breaks them it is not healthy. Pasolini argued that children for parents are like religion, there the sacred, the child relies on…. At the Berlinale, out of 6 Italian films 4 were on gender fluidity: Society evolves and cinema reflects reality.

February 18, 2022 (change February 19, 2022 | 07:20)

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