Black terrorism, former Nar Fabrizio Dante arrested in Slovenia: he will go to life imprisonment after 37 years for the murder of a road agent

by time news

It took 37 years and Digos tenacity, but thanks to one sophisticated technologycomparing two fingerprints – after a life sentence for murder that has become res judicata and arrest in Slovenia where he had fled – Fabrizio Dante59, will conclude his parable as an ex black terrorist I gave Nar, I Revolutionary armed nuclei of neo-fascist origin, and murderer of a traffic police officer. The crime for which he was convicted was brutal: at 1.40 am on May 1st 1985, at the Castel Madama junction of the Rome-L’Aquila motorway – not far from the capital – the car radio crew of the “Roma Est” motorway detachment , composed by the chosen agent Giovanni Di Leonardopatrol leader, and the agent Pierluigi Turrizianiwhile driving, he notices a Golf parked on the road towards L’Aquila with the engine hood raised and two people waving to ask for help.

The car stops, but suddenly a third person comes out from the right side and shoots at the patrol leader. At the same moment, one of the two shoots at the driver, but the bullet is deflected by the zipper of the service jacket. The agents are pulled out of the vehicle, they come he took their weaponsthen they are handcuffed e rolled into the embankment. The attackers get on board the two cars and flee. Agent Turriziani, once back on the road, gives the alarm: Di Leonardo will die a few hours later at the Tivoli hospital ”. The Nar will later claim the attack, carried out for the purpose of obtaining weapons. After 37 years, as soon as the Supreme Court confirms the appeal sentence (of 2021) of conviction for murder and murder attempt in competition, Fabrizio Dante disappears from Passoscuro (Fiumicino), the police who go to look for him do not find him. There has been no news of him since 9 February.

A short escape for the Roman militant, a leading figure of the Roman far right of the 1980s, which ended just beyond the border to the Northeast. The International Police Cooperation Service (SCIP) immediately concentrated the searches in Slovenia and the local police arrested him on February 16 sitting at a bar Capodistriarunning a European arrest warrant. According to the local press Dante had already been noticed: it seems that he was drunk fell into the sea and someone has fished it out. Digos had dusted off the cold case in 2014 and, carrying out the investigations together with the Counter-terrorism and under the coordination of the prosecutor Erminio Amelio, up to the trial with the charge of voluntary homicide aggravated by premeditation and futile reasons and with the purpose of terrorism. The other components of the command, however, have never been identified.

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