Spanish basketball: Real Madrid defeated Tenerife 74:94

by time news

Real Madrid and Barcelona meet again, this time in the Spanish Cup final. Spanish basketball fans got what they wanted and tomorrow they will get another hot Clasico between the two greats, who unilaterally qualified for the cup final. Real Madrid defeated Tenerife 74:96, while Barcelona struggled for three quarters, but exploded in the final quarter en route to a 90-103 win over Murcia.

The Catalans, who sailed to the quarter-finals with a 37-point victory over Manresa, struggled for three quarters and were already five points behind towards the end of the third quarter. But they finished the quarter with a 0: 9 run and in the fourth quarter dismantled their opponent with 30 points and an offensive display. Nicola Laprobitola was passionate with 19 points, just before the meeting with his ex. Nick Klatis woke up in the final quarter and finished with 12 points and 8 assists and Nikola Mirotic added 15, including some important points that led to a comeback. Isaiah Taylor led the way with 21 that were not enough.

His great performance. Tbars | Imagebank GettyImages, Sonia Canada

As mentioned, the Blancos, who had a very hard time in the quarterfinals, did not encounter any special difficulties against the strong Tenerife and defeated it 74:94. Real Madrid’s attacking game flowed from the first moment and they scored 26 points already in the first quarter. Thomas Hartl navigated the game with seven assists and 12 points. Walter Tavares led with 15 points, while Poirier (12), Taylor (12) and Tompkins (11) also scored in the double figures for the whites. Giorgi Shermandini informed us on the other hand with 14. Real Madrid will wait in the final for the winner between Barcelona and Murcia.

Tamir Blatt actor Alba Berlin
Again in Elijah’s hand, this time in the Euroleague. secretly | Imagebank GettyImages, Sonia Canada

* Alba Berlin advanced to the German Cup final after 81:91 over Chemnitz. The team from the capital will play against Kreelsheim Merlins, who defeated owner Dennis Schroeder 71:85 in Brunswick in the first semi-final. Tamir Blatt scored 5 points for Alba. Moodo Lou led the team with 19 points, Jalin Smith added 19 of his own, Johannes Tyman scored 12 and added 5 rebounds, Luke Sikma contributed 5 points, 10 rebounds and 6 assists.

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