The government is delaying: In the illegal outpost Khan al-Ahmar continues to build and develop

by time news

In Khan al-Ahmar, construction and renovation continue in violation of orders and in violation of the High Court ruling. In the documentation revealed by the Jerusalem Envelope Forum, which we bring this morning (Sunday), the forum presents the illegal Bedouin outpost in November 2019 and November The latter has dozens of buildings from temporary structures to houses, and many new buildings have been added, in violation of the demolition and work stoppage orders, as well as the High Court ruling which ruled that the outpost should be evacuated.

It is the Regavim movement that has filed petitions for the eviction of Khan al-Ahmar over the past decade. It will be recalled that as of 2018, Khan al-Ahmar, who is in the lands of the Gush Adumim-Jerusalem Envelope settlements, is facing evacuation. The High Court rejected the petition of the residents of the place and ruled that he should be evicted.

“Khan al-Ahmar residents are making fun of the High Court, the government and law enforcement agencies in Israel,” the Jerusalem Envelope Forum said. “Many millions in Abu Dis – the state must move them there today, every day that this does not happen they expand and establish facts on the ground, all under pressure from the Palestinian Authority and foreign sources.”

“The residents of the Khan are not interested in the Palestinian Authority, but in suffocating Jerusalem and harming Israeli sovereignty and Israel’s security and settlement interests adjacent to the Israeli capital. We call on Prime Minister Bennett, ministers and all law enforcement agencies to protect Israel’s “Instead of letting this trampling of the law continue even one more day,” the forum added.

Photo: Jerusalem Envelope Forum

Meanwhile, in early March, the government is expected to return its position on the issue of evacuating the khan to the High Court. To the Khan residents as a solution after the evacuation.

About two weeks ago at a meeting of a new Tikva faction, Justice Minister Gideon Saar stated that his position remained as before that the khan should be evacuated and the law enforced. In 2019, Minister Saar opened his campaign in the Likud on the spot and said, “The question of who owns the house in Khan al-Ahmar, as in all areas of Israel or the PA, is a battle over all areas of C,” the minister called instead to evacuate the khan immediately.

The Illegal Village

The plots in the Abu Dis area Photo: Regavim

Last week, residents of the Jerusalem Envelope addressed Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, writing that “In a few weeks, the government must transfer its position to the High Court. We hope that the position of the state that will be submitted to the High Court “And that the state will stand as a wall in the form of all attempts to stifle Jerusalem, take over state lands, and harm a central and strategic axis leading to the capital of Israel.”

“As residents of the region, we will continue to act, and do everything we can to strengthen all the authorities in their war against the Palestinian takeover of state lands. However, we will not agree to harm the region’s security and settlement and security interests around Israel.”

(Khan al-Ahmar, Archive)

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