Ethiopia operates turbines at the giant Nile hydropower plant

by time news

Addis Ababa (Reuters) – Ethiopia began generating electricity from the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam on Sunday, fearing it would cause water shortages in Sudan and Egypt, a multi-billion dollar hydropower plant on the Nile.

After pressing the digital switch to operate the turbines in the first phase of the project, Prime Minister Abi Ahmed sought to reassure those countries that he did not want to harm their interests.

“Ethiopia’s main interest is to shed light on the 60% of people who suffer in the dark, to save the work of our mothers who carry firewood on their backs for energy,” Abi said.

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His government says the plan is central to their economic growth, but Egypt and Sudan are dependent on Nile water, and are concerned it could affect them.

According to the World Bank, Ethiopia, the second most populous country on the continent, has the second largest electricity shortage in Africa, with two-thirds of the population of about 110 million without a grid connection.

The government says the project, which will eventually cost $ 5 billion, will generate 5,150 megawatts of electricity and become Africa’s largest hydropower plant, some of which will be exported to neighboring countries.

The government has so far invested $ 100 billion ($ 1.98 billion) in the project, according to state-run Fanaa TV. It is located in Juba in the western Penishangul-Kumus region.

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Editing by Duncan Merry Francis Kerry

Our Criteria: Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.

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