Fire in a building in Beitar: The tenants were ordered to close down

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A fire broke out today (Sunday) in an apartment on Rabbi Akiva Street in Beitar Illit. The stairwell was filled with smoke. Following the fire, the shift commander ordered the occupants to be locked in their homes.

Fire and rescue forces carry out firefighting operations, and conduct searches in the building. During the rescue operations, a pregnant woman was transferred to medical care.

Rabbi Reshef Kfir Cohen, commander of the shift at the Fire and Rescue Service, described: “A report was received at the Judea and Samaria police station about a fire in the apartment. A rabbi ascending to the rest of the building.

(Photo: Judea and Samaria District Fire and Rescue Spokeswoman)


“I ordered the closure of the tenants in their homes and at the same time other crews are conducting searches for trapped people and releasing heat and smoke.
Several apartments are inhabited by older tenants, as well as families with babies and firefighters have ordered them to stay in a room in a ventilated and non-smoking house.

“Also during the scans, firefighters came to a pregnant woman who needed medical attention, and they transferred her to medical care. We are currently continuing firefighting operations, and further scans in the building.”

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