Marino Golinelli, the founder of the pharmaceutical giant Alfasigma died at 101: he created the first private philanthropic foundation in Italy

by time news

He died at 101 years olda Bologna, Marino Golinelli, entrepreneur, art collector and considered a philanthropist for his donations in the field of culture and education. Golinelli was the founder of the pharmaceutical giant Alfasigma: an Italian pharmaceutical giant, with beyond 3,000 employees and about 1 billion in turnover in 2020, with production plants in Italy, Spain e United States and over 17 branches around the world. His career begins with a small workshop, there Alpha Biochemistswhich over the years ’60 becomes Alfa Farmaceutici. Between 1987 and 1988 the company merged with the Wassermann Institute, giving life to Alfa Aquarius. Today, after the merger with Sigma-Tau she is Alfasigma, led by her children Stefano e Andrea.

Golinelli has repeatedly stated that the entrepreneur it has a moral duty to return part of its fortunes to society and with this in mind, in 1988created the Golinelli Foundation, the first private philanthropic foundation in Italy inspired by Anglo-Saxon models and fully operational to promote education and training, spread culture and encourage the intellectual, responsible and ethical growth of young people. His goal was “to leave a legacy to feed an optimistic and confident gaze towards a better world, towards an unpredictable future that must be embraced with responsibility and with an ethical and inclusive vision towards all. Life is being there intelligently, responsibly. It is making a commitment, working hard to make things happen. With wisdom and with respect for others “.

Appointed Knight of Labor in 1979, a staunch supporter of the duo science-artsin 1988 he started the Foundation which bears his name, with the aim of promoting the education and training, spread the scientific culture and foster the intellectual, responsible and ethical growth of young people. On 14 September 2021 he took part in the inauguration of the Technological Development Center called lip 4.0 Marino Golinelli, in Pomezia, which hosts the new research and development laboratories dedicated to pharmaceutical technology and to analytical chemistry di Alfasigma.

In his very last interview he said: “On my skin I have been able to experience how much training and educational experiences affect the evolutionary path of a young person: without the passion for chemistry and science in general, today perhaps nothing would exist of what I have helped to create with commitment and determination. For this reason I would like first of all to address you, the young people, to tell you strongly of fearlessly embrace life and actively participate in the construction of the world to come, making your contribution effectively ”. Moved by the message of closeness of employees, collaborators, manager of Alfasigma: “The disappearance of the Cavaliere, founder of the company, us hits all and all in the depths. Marino Golinelli leaves us one testimony, an indelible memory and example. Thanks Marino, you will always be with us! ”, Reads the company’s website. The funeral will happen in tight form private.

“A man left us whose work and example are destined to last indelibly in the memory and cultural life of the city and the University”, commented the rector of the University of Bologna. Giovanni Molari in a note. “There have been countless collaborations that have linked Marino Golinelli to Alma Mater, in multiple fields of knowledge, from humanities to Big Data, from the arts to law and medicine, with great attention to the training of young people and the development of entrepreneurial skills . His ability to imagine the future with the courage of the visionary, with the realism of the entrepreneur and with the generosity of the philanthropist made him an ideal interlocutor. I express all my closeness to my family and all my admiration for the man, in the certainty that his ideas will continue to live and in the hope that his model will inspire many others after him “.

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