After anguish: The Torah striker from Lakewood dies

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Baruch Dayan HaAmet: In Lakewood, Rabbi Yaakov Landau passed away last night (Saturday) – a rabbi, educator and Rosh Yeshiva who has been beating Torah for many years.

Not much has been published about the rabbi’s resume, but his many students and acquaintances tell of a wise student who engaged in the sacred work while constantly fleeing from honor.

For several decades he served as an eighth-grade teacher in the Torah Talmud Torah Innocent in Brooklyn, New York, and thousands of students passed under his hands. Also in this age group, ‘Preparing for a small yeshiva’, the deceased also taught as part of the ‘Camp Matibta’ summer camp in the New York mountains.

Rabbi Landau (right) teaches children in his youth


It was only after about thirty years that he moved with his family to Lakewood, the ‘City of Torah’ of New Jersey. There he continued to spread and preach Torah. He was appointed rabbi of the synagogue ‘Kahal Hanichi Yeshivot’ in the town, while at the same time he did not abandon the field of education and taught boys in a small yeshiva ‘Matibta Tiferet Shmuel’, where he even became Rosh Yeshiva.

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Recently, Rabbi Landau has been dealing with a serious illness, but this has not prevented him from coming to the yeshiva every day and delivering the daily lesson.

On the morning of the Sabbath he returned his soul to the Creator and he is in his 70s. The rabbi leaves behind his wife, Rebbetzin Esther Landau, as well as their nine children – with his sons also serving in Torah positions. He also had many grandchildren, all of whom follow the path of the Torah.

His funeral is scheduled for the next few hours (Sunday) and will depart from the synagogue he heads to the Lakewood Cemetery, where Whitman will be present in the presence of thousands of his students, loved ones and members of his congregation.

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