“Reed Mae Lips”: Dudi Amsalem in first response to Netanyahu’s storm and animals

by time news

Member of Knesset David Amsalem He was interviewed tonight (Sunday) on News 13, and referred for the first time to the uproar he provoked following his statement against Supreme Court President Esther Hayut. “I believe in the authority of the court, but some of the judges act like a Meretz branch,” he said.

Amsalem was asked about his feelings in the absence of the backlash from his party chairman, Benjamin Netanyahu On this matter, he replied: “I never asked Netanyahu what to say. I was very disappointed by his call to live. If Netanyahu does not go with us, I will go against the government.”

“What did Lady Animals drink!”: Amsalem v. Supreme Court Justice. Photo: Knesset Channel

The Knesset member chose not to apologize for his remarks against the honorable president, as well as those he used against Mickey Levy and Yair Lapid, adding: “No one will teach me how to speak. When Lapid called me a ‘Rottweiler dog, did anyone call him to the studios?’

At the end of the interview, he referred to MK Nir Barkat’s attempts to head the party, saying: “He is not a Likud member, he will not vote, he does not symbolize value. That Lapid will take him.”

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As you may recall, Amsalem last week addressed the Knesset podium and attacked the honorable president who did not accept his petition, slapping: “Do not think we are lovers. Instead of fiddling with nonsense that you do not understand, write ‘Mr. Amsalem “To our norms and to our world. You tell me what Judge Hayut drank.”

Hayut, in an unusual move, responded to his remarks in a scathing letter, in which she described her childhood in housing, adding: “I wonder where all the poison and hatred that brings you to say such harsh things come from.” She signed the letter with a cynical reference to her drinking habits, adding: “I definitely enjoy drinking a glass of good arak sometimes with family and friends.”

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