Hanan Meltzer on the target: The journalists’ organization in a dramatic announcement

by time news

“The council has become an irrelevant body”: The press organization resigned from the press council after retired judge Meltzer insisted on continuing to serve as president of the council in parallel with his position as chairman of the Migdal insurance company

The journalists’ organization announced today (Sunday) his resignation from the “Press Council of Israel”, because the retired judge, Hanan Meltzer, insisted on continuing to serve as president of the council in parallel with his position as chairman of the Migdal insurance company.

The journalists ‘organization posted on its Twitter account: “A little while ago we announced the retirement of the journalists’ organization from the Press Council. The council has become an irrelevant body for journalists in Israel and we will work to create a worthy alternative for journalists.”

In addition, the organization has sharply criticized the council – for lack of relevance, conflicts of interest, waste of funds and improper conduct.

The Israel Journalists ‘Organization was founded in 2012 as an industry workers’ organization, with the goal of uniting journalists working as employees or freelancers in the Israeli media. The organization was established to protect the status of the journalist. In mid-July 2012, the Israel Press Council announced the acceptance of the Israel Journalists’ Organization as a member of the Council.

In September 2017, the organization had about 3,500 members, and is the workers ‘organization that represented about 25 media outlets, in which workers’ committees were also established, including: the News Company, News 10, the Israeli Broadcasting Corporation “Here”, “Yedioth Ahronoth”, Maariv, Globes, Ynet , Kol Chai Radio, Time Out Tel Aviv, Moto Communications.

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