Berlusconi to Draghi: “Do not dramatize the parliamentary events, the stability of the government is not discussed. From FI a constructive approach”

by time news

“I confirmed to the Prime Minister Mario Draghiin the course of a long e cordial phone callthat the contribution of Come on Italy government action has been and always will be constructive, characterizing e fair, in the belief that the country needs stability and continuity “. To make it known with a note, after tensions of recent days between the premier and the majority parties, is the party founder Silvio Berlusconi. Referring to the four votes in the Commission in which the government went under on the conversion of the Milleproroghe decree – in one case, that of raising the cash ceiling, also due to Forza Italia – Berlusconi invites to “do not dramatize some parliamentary events of these days. The normal dialectic in the two Houses, within an objectively composite majority, does not question the stability of the government, nor the need for the cooperation of all political forces, between which there are profound distinctions, in a moment that is still so delicate ”, he writes.

After spending Saturday at the stadium to see his Monza, on Sunday the man from Arcore showed up in the historic center of Lecco, where he walked – accompanied by a large escort – still together with his partner Marta Fascina. A visit apparently not due to official or political meetings, which intrigued many passers-by. Yet a few days ago it is refused to appear in a courtroom in Monza, where he had been called to testify as offended party in the trial against the former Olgettina Giovanna Rigatoon trial for extortion against him, invoking the legitimate impediment for health reasons.

Meanwhile, the leader of the Brothers of Italy Giorgia Meloni lancia new broadsides against the executive. “We learn from the press that the government is going to build trust in Parliament to secure certain measures and prevent them from being modified. These include the justice reform, the tax delegation which also contains the land registry reform, the competition bill with the new rules on bathing concessions and the procurement code. A sensational sign of weakness of Prime Minister Draghi and his majority, who despite counting on 95% of the forces in Parliament is torn apart and cannot agree on anything. Not only that: it is yet another humiliation of the role of the Chambers in our democracy, humiliated by an executive who governs with confidence and trampling on every regulation ”, he attacks. “As FdI – she concludes – we demand respect for Parliament and we hope that the government denies this news”.

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