Ukrainian war, “Putin never stops, he wants a pro-Russian government in Kiev”

by time news

Ukrainian War, “Biden’s strategy at risk. Europe fears for gas”

The war in Ukraine now it is almost certain. All the main ones reaffirm this world leadersabove all they are certain United States. the US president Joe Biden follows every movement of the Russian tanks with the awareness that at any moment Putin will invade. But by one of the leading intelligentsia experts, the analyst Angela Stent comes another alarm bell. “Vladimir Putin – explains Stent to Corriere della Sera – will not be satisfied to occupy a part of Ukraine; his goal is to install a governo filorusso a Kiev. Putin maximized the tension in Donbass, in particular by organizing the evacuation of civilians. He is creating a false pretext for the invasion or to force the Ukrainians to make some important concessions a fly. The US and Europeans have responded by offering yet another diplomatic way out. I don’t see what more they can do. Sure, the administration Biden will continue to disseminate intelligence information, trying to unmask the provocations of the Kremlin “.

“Ma .” Attention– continues Angela Stent to Corriere – this strategy could become counterproductive, in case the invasion does not occur. I have the impression that at this point the commitment would not be enough of Ukraine not to join the Then for a long time. So far we have seen one demonstration of unityespecially in the Then. But I don’t know if the front will remain so compact when they have to be applied economic sanctions which will have a greater backlash in Europe with respect to what is provided in the United States“.


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