Italian National Singers and Play2Give in the field to remember Luca Attanasio. Capello on the bench

by time news

Luca Attanasio, the challenge between the Italian Singers National Team and Play2Give in Limbiate

The event day will be attended by representatives from the world of institutions, singers, influencers and youtubers, as well as Fabio Capellowho exceptionally returns to the bench at the helm of Play2Give.

To remind Luca Attanasio, Italian ambassador in Congotragically died exactly one year ago, Play2Give, a newborn charity project supported by young artists, influencers and youtubers, take to the field, and Italian National Singerschaired by Enrico Ruggeri.

The 8-a-side football match, scheduled for next Tuesday, 22 February, at 15.00, will be held at theoratory of San Giorgio in Limbiate (via Giuseppe Mazzini, 2), which Luca frequented and where his dreams blossomed and flourished.

Italian National Singers and Play2Give in the field: the “Mama Sofia” Foundation is born

In particular, the two teams face off to promote the birth of “Mama Sofia” Foundation born to pursue the ambassador’s ideas for a better world and chaired by Zakia Seddiki Attanasio, Luca’s wife who will be present at the event.

Before the start of the match, a video will be shown with the minute of silence observed in the Italian Embassies abroad.

To ensure maximum visibility to the project, it will be possible to follow the event live on the official social networks of the National Singers and of Play2Give.

Italian National Singers and Play2Give, the protagonists of the event to remember Luca Attanasio

The National Singersdriven by Sandro Giacobbecounts among its ranks, in addition to Enrico Ruggerialso Niccolò Fabi, Clementino, Boosta of the Subsonic, Paolo Vallesi, Bugo, Leo Gassman, Virginio, Ubaldo Pantani, Ludwig, Blind, Moreno, Alberto Urso, ZW Jackson, Moreno Conficconi e Sergey.

Fabio Capellowho exceptionally returns to the bench at the helm of Play2Givecan instead rely on Rkomi, Astol, Antonacci Jr, Gabriele Boscaino of the Nirkiop, Grenbaud, Tommaso Cassissa, The Freestyle Boss, Jacopo ET, Enzuccio, Mitch e Andrea Pisani of the Panpers.

To embellish the parterre, in addition to the technical commentary of the historical commentators of NIC Luca Abbrescia e Gigi Zinithe presence from the sidelines of Alice De Bortoli e Gaia Clerici.

Together with Play2Give and to the historical one National Singers it will be there as always GIVOVAready to take the field to support this important and significant project in memory of Ambassador Luca Attanasio.

The artists on the field will wear the exclusive game kit born from the collaboration between GIVOVA and Vision of Super, a trendy brand in the world of young people. The shirts will then be autographed by the players and then donated to charity on the Charity Star website.

The event aims to spread the same values ​​to which Luca Attanasio has dedicated his entire existence

L’Ambassador Attanasio contributed to earmarking, with the support of the local administration of Limbiate, 8 million euros for the recovery of a villa that will have a public destination (it will host, among other things, a library and a playroom) in the park of the city center .

In Congo, the Ambassador, with the wife Zakiahe spent himself personally to help children in need.

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