“They paint us as mafia, without mentioning those who resisted” – time.news

by time news
Of Except Phallic

The writer Savatteri from whom he draws the screenplay: History cannot be changed

The strength of a television success is also measured by the controversies and diatribes it raises, and the Mkari fiction on Rai Uno under the spotlight in a multimedia way. The crux of the diatribe is a quote on the Mafia. More precisely on the definition of mafia land that the mayor of Trapani Giacomo Tranchida clearly rejects. It must be said for objectivity that in the not mentioned fiction “Trapani” but I note that the power of the images can prevail over words.

The controversy over Trapani

The controversy arose from these declarations by Tranchida: We certainly cannot deny the historical and social facts, such as those of judicial news, but photograph the image of an entire city with the word mafia, while never directly mentioning Trapani, however an erroneous reconstruction and inappropriate as well as partial and absolutely ungenerous. The mayor underlines: We must not hide, in Trapani the mafia has existed and camouflaging itself and / or changing its skin is still there, it is not possible to pretend nothing has happened. To deny it would be a false historical which would not correspond to the reality of the facts, however, confirmed by countless judicial investigations. Underestimating for the value of civil resistance against the mafia phenomenon and its degenerations does not pay homage to the history and truth of which we are proud and that we must all learn to tell. Tranchida asks that the victims who opposed the Cosa Nostra be remembered: I would like that, in the future, the director of Mkari could tell about this on the big screen: of this land kissed by the sun, bathed in the blood of resistance and caressed by the wind of the ransom.

The writer’s reply

It should be emphasized that from the fiction, as well as from the novels of Gaetano Savatteri (from which he freely draws novels) comes a beautiful image of the splendid places of Trapani and western Sicily. Just as the historical fiction on Montalbano taken from the novels of Andrea Camilleri had paid homage to the places of Ragusa and Eastern Sicily, making them become internationally famous. On the controversy intervened the writer Gaetano Savatteri (Sellerio published his new short stories “The culprits are mad” starring the journalist Saverio Lamanna) who explained: I answer for the novel. In reality he does not escape the diatribe and remembers: The report of the Prosecutor of Trapani Pietro Cal Ulloa of 1838 and all the historians testify that this is one of the first written testimonies of the phenomenon. This is the story and I cannot change it. Nobody gives a judgment on Trapani today that I don’t know enough about. I’m sorry the mayor was offended. But history does not change. There are stories we want to forget and others we want to remember.

The previous controversy

In reality, before this story, the first controversy on the Mkari fiction was raised by the mayor of Siculiana, Giuseppe Zambiente, for a joke about a “company in the smell of the mafia”. The mayor took pen and paper and wrote to Savatteri: The last episode of the series was a great opportunity to show the beauties of our territory, your characters have moved within extraordinary landscapes that belong to us. However, as Mayor of Siculiana, I have the duty to represent to you my discomfort, and that of my community, in realizing that my country, during last Monday’s episode, was mentioned exclusively with a joke referring to the mafia.

February 18, 2022 (change February 19, 2022 | 07:19)

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