Exchange of offenses between Calenda and Giarrusso on La7. The 5 star: “He says I can’t write? He has a hideous belly and a shabby physique. He’s bullying”

by time news

Remote controversy at “The air that pulls “ (La7) between the leader of Action Carlo Calenda and the MEP of M5s Dino Giarrusso.
A Calenda, host of the transmission before Giarrusso, the presenter Myrta Merlino he asks what he thinks of a statement made in an interview by the pentastellato politician, but mistakenly says that he wrote it.
That Giarrusso wrote is already news“, Comments the new Secretary of Action.

At the end of the interview, Merlino introduces the new guests, namely Giarrusso and the Northern League Edoardo Rixi, asking Calenda if she wants to stay. But the former minister makes a face and replies: “No, I don’t want to. With Rixi I would very gladly talk, with the other (Giarrusso, ed) I have a physical limit. I can’t do it. But I greet him affectionately “.

There is no Giarrusso who, as soon as he takes the floor, reproaches the presenter for not having batted an eyelid with Calenda about his offensive joke against the MEP. And he points out: “You, Myrta, know my story. You complimented me privately with your partner on my writing. I think I was a good TV correspondent and, like Calenda before going into politics, I earned very well. But unlike him, I’ve never failed school and I’m not a dad’s son – he continues – It is truly intolerable that someone who talks about news, the future and politics has this arrogant, snooty and intellectual racist attitude towards other people who are involved in politics, they took grades, they graduated, they graduated, they had a job, they know how to write, they know how to express themselves in Italian probably better than Calenda, they made themselves “. Going further: “And they also have a less shabby physique than his, I’ve seen some photo of him with that hideous belly“.

Giarrusso concludes: “I am tired of talking about politics with these people and I am amazed that all this media space is given without contradiction. How many times has Calenda then said of the navigators ‘ran away from home’? But then he doesn’t confront me, he ran away. This daily bullying of Calenda on social networks and on TV, in my opinion, is not good for Italian politics“.

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