Rescue operations continue amid death toll in Brazil

by time news

Rio de Janeiro: Landslides and flash floods in Brazil due to heavy rains


The death toll from a natural disaster in the Brazilian city of Petropolis has risen to 165, officials said yesterday.

Accelerate rescue operations for those buried in landslides


Their loved ones with rescue workers

Stay tuned for weeds

வி­னர்­கள் ஈடு­பட்டு வரு­கின்­ற­னர்.

Areas that have been badly affected by natural disasters look like war-torn areas

Brazilian President Jair Polsonaro said.

It is feared the death toll could rise. Authorities said at least 28 of the dead were boys.

இதற்­கி­டையே, பிரே­சி­லின் தென்­கி­ழக்­குப் பகு­தி­யில் கன­மழை தொடர்­வ­தா­கத் தெரி­விக்­கப்­பட்­டது.

Brazilian emergency services say at least two people have been killed.

In the collapse of the wall

One person was crushed to death. Another drowned.

More than 1,200 people have been evacuated from their homes due to heavy rains.

Authorities said about 43 homes were destroyed due to the natural disaster.

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