Russian forces entered eastern Ukraine

by time news

ongoing updates

01:30 | The UN Security Council will convene for an emergency hearing tonight

01:10 | Bloomberg: US announces evacuation of all remaining diplomats in Ukraine to Poland “due to security circumstances”

01:05 | Report: Russian forces entered Donbas in eastern Ukraine. The Russian news agency Interfax reported two large armored columns entering the district

01:00 | Senior US official: The entry of Russian forces into Donetsk and Lugansk will not lead to the harsh sanctions they have declared – “not sure how new this stage is. They have actually been there for eight years”

00:05 | German Chancellor’s Office: After Schultz spoke with Biden and Macron, the three agreed that Putin’s rebellious move would not go unanswered.

23:30 | Putin ordered Russian army to enter separatist provinces as “peace force”

22:40 | US report: Pentagon estimates Putin will bring forces to separatist areas in Ukraine tonight

22:30 | White House in response to Russia’s recognition of separatist provinces: Biden will impose sanctions on any entity or person in business relations with separatist provinces

22:05 | Ukrainian sources here News: “Putin outlined the beginning of the doctrine ‘not for the existence of Ukraine’. This is the moment that symbolizes the beginning of the war – but we will fight”

22:00 | Donetsk is celebrating Putin’s acquaintance with Russian flags and fireworks

21:50 | Putin also signed a recognition of the provinces’ independence and a treaty of friendship with them. This treaty will allow Putin to transfer forces to those provinces to “protect” them.

21:38 | Putin: As for Donetsk and Lugansk – the junta that controls Kiev is not interested in resolving the situation. They want a lightning war there like in 2014. Now every day civilian settlements are being shot at. They beat civilians with advanced weapons. The incessant murder of a civilian population. There is no end to it. And the so-called civilized world prefers to be blind as if this genocide does not exist – solely because they do not support the West. We fought for the implementation of the ceasefire agreements – but the murderous regime arose just as in 2014 to the path of violence and terrorism. They want a military solution. In this context I would like to recognize the independence of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions. I am sure that the patriotic forces in our country will support my decision. Thank you.

21:30 | Putin: We have three demands – halting NATO expansion, removing offensive weapons from Russia’s borders and returning to the 1991 arms proliferation situation in Europe

21:15 | Putin: Ukrainians are working to acquire nuclear weapons. In recent months there has been an endless air train of foreign weapons to Ukraine

21:05 | European Foreign Minister Burrell: Imposition of sanctions on Russia following recognition of provincial independence

War and / or Peace: Putin’s Choice | International “Hour”

20:40 | In his speech, Putin flatters the history of Ukraine and claims that its establishment was in fact a historic mistake by Lenin.

20:40 | Putin: Ukraine for us is part of our history and culture, these are our friends, some of them colleagues and relatives. We are bound by blood ties from ancient times. What are Russia’s goals? Should start in history. I will start by saying that the whole of modern Ukraine was founded by Communist Russia

20:30 | NBC: US ​​administration officials discuss with Ukrainian government President Zalanski’s departure from Kiev in case of Russian invasion

20:00 | Kremlin: Russia recognizes the independence of Lugansk and Donetsk from Ukraine

19:15 | Israel will move the embassy in Ukraine to the west of the country tomorrow: “The likelihood of war has risen significantly”

Amichai Stein, Yoav Zehavi, Ben Yaniv and Itamar Margalit

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