Tagesspiegel: February 22, 2002: The leader of the UNITA rebels, Jonas Savimbi, is shot dead in the southeast of Angola

by time news

Under Tuesday, February 22, the book of history records, among other things:

1857: Because the butcher Moser ran out of thin intestines in the “Zum Ewigen Licht” inn, he uses thicker ones for the prepared veal – and inadvertently creates the “Munich white sausage”.
1912: The “AB Selandia” built in Copenhagen, the first diesel-powered ocean-going passenger ship, makes its maiden voyage to Bangkok.
1937: On the occasion of the official visit of the German Foreign Minister Konstantin von Neurath in Vienna, Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg is asked to legalize the NSDAP and to integrate the National Socialists into the government. In the course of the visit there are organized National Socialist rallies in Vienna.
1972: First hijacking of a German airliner: The pilots of a Lufthansa plane with 173 passengers are forced by five Palestinians to fly to Aden in southern Yemen. On February 24, the German government released the Boeing 747 after paying a ransom of five million dollars.
2002: UNITA rebel leader Jonas Savimbi is shot dead in south-east Angola.

birthdays: George Washington, 1st US President (1732-1799); Heinrich Hertz, German physicist (1857-1894); Robert Baden-Powell, British founder of the Boy Scout movement (1857-1894); Otto Leichter, Austria socialist, journalist and author (1897-1973); Friedrich Wilhelm Strassmann, German chemist (1902-1980); Herma Szabó, east. figure skater (1902-1986); Rex Stewart, US jazz musician (1907-1967); Andre Asriel, Austrian-German composer (1922-2019); Edward M. Kennedy, US politician (1932-2009); Alf Poier, Austria musician, cabaret artist, entertainer and painter (1967); Michael Chang, former US tennis player (1972); Rolando Villazón, Mexican-French Opera Singers (1972).
days of death: Petrus Damiani, Italian church teacher (around 1007-1072); Amerigo Vespucci, Italian navigator (1451-1512); Karl Friedrich Hieronymus von Münchhausen, called “Lie Baron”, German officer (1720-1797); Franz Xaver Freiherr von Pillersdorf, Austria. statesman; 1842-1848 Court Chancellor, 1848 Minister of the Interior and Prime Minister (1786-1862); Ernst Wilhelm Eschmann, German writer (1904-1987); Chuck Jones, US animator, father of “Bugs Bunny” (1912-2002); Fritz Erler, German politician (1913-1967); Leopold Guggenberger, Austria politician (1918-2017); Fritz König, German artist (1924-2017); Andy Warhol (actually Andrew Warhola), US pop art artist, painter, graphic artist, photographer, film author and film producer (1927-1987); Barbara Valentin, Austria Actress (1940-2002).
name days: Margareta, Robert, Johanna, Isabella, Elisabeth, Marhold.

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