Stavros Tsouvalis was appointed Deputy Mayor of Technical Initiatives, City Planning & City Purposes – 2024-07-02 13:02:47

by times news cr

2024-07-02 13:02:47

Determination AR.1610 on “Appointment of Deputy Mayor of Technical Works, City Planning & City Planning Purposes and switch of Mayor’s Competencies”


“A. We appoint the Municipal Councilor of the bulk Stavros Tsouvalis of Themistocles because the DEPUTY DEPARTMENT OF TECHNICAL WORKS & INFRASTRUCTURES, URBAN PLANNING AND URBAN APPLICATIONS, from the publication of this doc in line with the regulation and for one (01) 12 months, assigning him the next powers, apart from disciplinary powers that are non-transferable.

In additional element A. 1. The supervision, accountability, monitoring and signing of all selections and paperwork, through the operation of the Directorate of Technical Initiatives and Infrastructure (article 24 of the O.E.Y.), as outlined by the related provisions of Legal guidelines, Decrees and Ministerial Choices and the regulatory texts of the Municipality, the signing of Declarations-Summaries of Tenders and Invites of the particular Directorate because the Managing Service, aside from the signing of public contracts and programmatic contracts and contracts of inter-level inter-municipal cooperation maintained by the Mayor.

A’2. the supervision, accountability and monitoring of the Division of City Planning (article 18 of the O.E.Y. as outlined by the related provisions of Legal guidelines, Decrees and Ministerial Choices

A3 the supervision, accountability and monitoring of the Directorate of City Planning Purposes (article 17 of the O.E.Y.), as outlined by the related provisions of Legal guidelines, Decrees and Ministerial Choices

B. The Mayor’s Determination 15/2024 “Appointment of Deputy Mayor of Training & Lifelong Studying, switch of Mayor’s Competencies and TSOUVALI” applies, with modification of par. At. as follows (ADA PSKIVO1P-M17) for Stavros TSOUVALI, with modification of par. A1. as follows :

“A. 1. the supervision, accountability, monitoring and signing of all selections and paperwork through the operation of the Division of Training and Lifelong Studying of the Directorate of Training, Tradition and Sports activities (article 30, c. 18.1. of the OEY) for the promotion and regulation of the problems of major and secondary training, the cooperation with the Faculty Committees, the promotion of Lifelong Studying, in accordance with the relevant provisions of Legal guidelines, Decrees and Ministerial Choices.”

C. The recall of the deputy mayor is feasible at any time and for the rationale judged by the mayor as the executive physique of the municipality, with out the duty to quote a particular motive

D. Within the occasion of the Deputy Mayor’s absence or incapacity, the duties are carried out by the Mayor.

E. The above Deputy Mayor throughout his time period can’t be elected or be a member of the presidium of the municipal council.

F. This discover to be posted on the web site of the Municipality of Rhodes and on the “DIAVGEIA” program.

The Mayor of Rhodes

Alexandros Vasilios Koliadis

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