New attempt to move away from the supports of 1,400 units pays today (3/7) the Athens Stock Exchangewhile everyone’s attention turns to the upcoming ones electoral contests in France and the United Kingdom.

With domestic catalysts to be absentthe trend in the Greek market largely depends on the moods of investors abroadwho understandably have mainly focused on political factor and the risk of uncertainty.

And Athens may be moving in positive territory, but it is clear that it exists lack of persuasive purchase ordersgiven that the trading turnover is more reminiscent of… August.

In this context, the General Index he notes softly 0.80% increase and is formed on 1,418.28 unitsgaining 11 points relative to Tuesday’s close (1,407.03 points).

The arc of diurnal variations spans seven units (from 1,414.89 to 1,421.04 units), with the transaction turnover to be around 6 million euros in the first 30 minutes.

On the board, now, the Methylene is strengthened dynamically above 36 euros, while Piraeus – National recover around +1.5%, after yesterday’s losses. Motor Oil and OTEare expanding by approximately 1%, while its stock continues its frantic rally Revoil in the shadow of stock changes.

1% profits in the banks

The banking index, after the volatility of the previous days, is trying to strengthen to +1.12% and 1,243 units.

Her stock Piraeus expands to +1.68% and 3.577 euros, its share National Bank increases to +1.33% and 7.80 euros, its share Alpha Bank trades at +1.15% and 1.578 euros, while its share Eurobank it follows at +0.87% and 2.088 euros.

The picture on the dashboard

In the high capitalization index (+0.88% and 3,453 points), its share Methylene gains 1.5% and returns to 36 euros, with the shares of Jumbo, Viohalco, ELVALHALCOR, Motor Oil and OTE to increase by more than +1%. At the same time, its stock Elektor is at +1.2% and 2.5 euros, with the cut-off of the right to return capital of 0.5 euros following on July 22. On the contrary, its share Cenergy, despite investment in the US, corrects from all-time highs and narrows by 1.3%. Losses of more than 1% are also shown by Autohellas – Sarantis.

Regarding the mid-cap index (+0.56% and 2,261 points), the share of Intracom Holdings, after yesterday’s drop as a result of the return of capital, reacts to +1.8% and 3.2 euros. The shares of PPA, AVAX and Austriacard. Instead, its stock Technical Olympian loses 1%. Special mention should be made to Revoilas the stock changes lead to a 6% rally.

Overall on the stock chart, 60 stocks are moving higher, 23 stocks are declining, while eight stocks remain unchanged. THE capitalization of the market ranges at 98.5 billion euros.

Stock market: Which stocks trade the most… money

The absence of catalysts

In one strange situation is the Athens Stock Exchange, with investment interest and trading turnover referring to August days, having characteristics intense summer heat.

Of course there is an explanation for this deficit of moves on the board. On the one hand, the absence of domestic catalysts it is more than obvious, while everyone is slowly waiting for them financial figures of listed companies for the second quarter.

On the other hand, abroad, the situation is quite complicated, with half-day (today) and public holiday (tomorrow) in Wall Street because of the 4th of Julyparliamentarians UK elections (tomorrow) and a tense political scene in France in view of the repeat ballot next Sunday.

All of this has made it great careful and thrifty buyers, who prefer to stay away and wait for the outcome of all the above fronts – especially how the election result in the No.2 economy of the Eurozone.

Within this context, the General Index at A.A. continues the “battle” for her defense of 1,400 unitswhich are the last major stronghold, before the market is initially confronted with the 1,380 – 1,360 units and later with him average of the last 200 days (1,340 units).

However, let’s not forget that despite the 6.5% fold compared to recent ones peaks of 1,502 units (closing on 20/5), the overall rise of the General Index in 2024 remains at satisfactory levels, as it reaches +9%.

Profits in Europe

In Europe, now, the upcoming political contests have put the markets on ice, resulting in STOXX 600 to record small gains at +0.5% and 513 points. However, in Italy the FTSE MIB trying to stand out, strengthening by at least 1%.

On the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, after his new records S&P 500which yesterday closed more than 5,500 units, the futures of the American indices show marginal fluctuations, in a session which will end prematurely at 20.00 (Greece time).

On the Stock Exchange Dashboard: The new lows of the AIA, the reaction of AVAX and the indifference (?) to the Papoutsani report

(The above is the product of journalistic research and does not constitute an invitation to buy, sell or hold any stock)

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