A Special Meeting of the Delegation of 60 members of the Peloponnese TEE, which resulted from the elections on May 19, 2024, was held on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, to elect and confirm the new Administrative Bodies.
Based on the results of the elections, the composition of the new Management Bodies of the TEE Peloponnese for the next four-year term is as follows:
Governing Committee
PRESIDENT: Tsioli Chariklia PM
VICE PRESIDENT: Anastasia Kyriakopoulou PM
GEN. SECRETARY: Veroutis Vassilios MM
MEMBERS: Karuntzos Lambros HM
Kellaris Anastasios PM
Xintaropoulou Vasiliki Arch.M.
Papadopoulos Theodoros HM
Stavropoulos Konstantinos Arch.M.
Hartofyllis Nikolaos PM
PRESIDENT: Koutrafouris Vasilios PM
VICE PRESIDENT: Giaxoglou Ioannis Agri.TM
GEN. SECRETARY: Bokolas Dimitrios Agr.TM
TEE Peloponnese President Hariklia Tsioli said:
“We thank all other Peloponnese Engineers who, in the recent TEE elections, reaffirmed their support and confidence in the elected (and re-elected) Management of the Peloponnese TEE.
I promise you that we will continue, as we have done in recent years, in this new term as well, with determination, consistency, sincerity and respect to fight and serve the interests of the industry and our country.
We will continue, as we have done all these years until today, with the same creative momentum, with the necessary proposals, actions and initiatives with the aim of improving the conditions for the Engineer’s profession practice, upgrading his scientific, professional and social. status as and further upgrade of the TEE award.
Finally, to the society and the Authorities of the Peloponnese, we declare that we will continue to be at the forefront of efforts for a new Greece proud of Europe, for a Greece that is modern, digital and a model of development with sustainability .”