«Your Honor», Stefano Accorsi in the footsteps of Bryan Cranston- time.news

by time news
Of Renato Franco

The series coming to Rai1. Respect for laws or feelings: Accorsi’s dilemma

A moral dilemma: the ethics of justice or the “reason” of feelings? Faithfulness to the principles on which he modeled his personal and professional life or the most ancestral instinct, the defense of his blood? It is the border on which Stefano Accorsi sways (he plays a judge, known and respected for his integrity, in the running for the position of President of the Court of Milan), a man who, by choice, is building his way towards the abyss, embraces the lie and does not know how to wriggle out.

«Here – explains the actor – it is not a question of thinking about what one is willing to do to recommend a child, but to save his life, something to which I don’t think there are two answers. In my opinion there is only one. I believe that the primordial instinct of a parent is to save the life of a child, it is something atavistic. This dilemma is something that relates to the Greek tragedy: a widower father, who built a whole life in absence because he thought only of work (a job that deals with ethics, with justice, with a public role), who for a case of life then he finds himself having to question everything. The situation crime it’s the classic snowball that becomes an avalanche ». In fact, the judge builds an increasingly dizzying castle of lies in order to help his son who has hit a boy from a Latin gang and is now risking his life.

The Palazzo di Giustizia in Milan is the background a Your honour (a co-production of Rai Fiction and Indiana), the four-night series that arrives on Rai1 starting from Monday 28. Adapted from the Israeli Quota
has already had an American version too, Your Honor, with Bryan Cranston, already amazing star of Breaking Badwhich in its own way retraced one of the narrative threads of Your honour
, the story of a man who takes a downhill road from which it is impossible to go back. “Cranston is a great actor and he did a great job in the American adaptation. However, we are more faithful to the Israeli original, even if the big difference with the two versions is that for us the central issue is the father-son relationship; we tell the social world of Milan, today’s kids, the generational confrontation and the frayed relationship between a teenager in search of freedom and a rigid father. Here the relationship between them is warmer and more pulsating than in the other two series ».

Your honour comes at a time when justice is at the center of public debate. What kind of reception will it receive in a delicate context for the judiciary? «The series does not create a character without blemish and without fear, Vittorio Pagani is not a hero and is never justified in his actions. I believe that we will do neither a good service nor a disservice to the judiciary, I believe that their problems are others and not our fiction ».

“Is what this judge is doing right?” Accorsi still asks himself. I can certainly understand it, I don’t know if I can justify it: this is the beating heart of the narrative and also what makes the character Machiavellian but never diabolical. I believe that there are some things in front of which we cannot reflect too much, but simply act, they are the great moments of truth in our life. I also believe that this series does not try to answer this question, which is continually reiterated. Would I do the same? I do not know”. Because sometimes even doubt is an answer.

February 21, 2022 (change February 22, 2022 | 10:20)

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