New barrage clippings and dividend payments follows the next period of time at Athens Stock Exchangecontinuing the high awards of June, but also of all previous months in general.

It is typical that shareholders will vest and collect one a sum of money of more than 1.6 billion euros within the next few weeks.

Bank payments

From the calendar, undoubtedly, the payments from the four systemic banks stand out, for the first time after 16 whole years.

On July 10, specifically, Piraeus premieres, cutting off the right to the dividend of 79 million euros, the payment of which will follow on July 16.

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July 25 is her turn Eurobank for the cut-off, with the reward of €342 million being deposited into shareholders’ accounts on July 31.

On July 26, its stock Alpha Bank will trade without the right to the dividend of 61 million euros (the payment will follow on August 1st, while there will also be equal purchases of own shares, which will then be deleted).

THE National will drop the banking curtain on July 29, when the right to collect the 332 million euros is scheduled to be cut off. Payment is scheduled for August 2nd.

Awards from four more

In addition to the financial sector, the shareholders of other blue chips will go to the “fund”, as for example happens in OTEwhere today is the cut-off for the right to the dividend of 0.71 euros/share, with the deposit of the money following on July 10.

On that day, at the same time, the cut-off of the 1 euro reward will take place at Jumbo and of 0.60 euros in Helleniq Energy (preceded by the payment of an advance dividend of 0.30 euros), with the payment due on July 16 and 17, respectively.

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Its shareholders Elektor, after several years of dividend aridity, on July 21st they will reserve the right to return capital of 0.50 euros/share (July 22nd the cut-off). The payment will start a few days later – namely, on July 26.

Finally, the EYDAP “cuts” the reward of 0.10 euros on July 22nd, while the collection of the money follows on July 29th.

The cut-off schedule for listed (*gross amount/share)

• OTE: July 4 (0.71 euros)
• Jumbo: July 10 (1.00 euros)
• Helleniq Energy: July 10 (0.60 euros)
• Piraeus: July 10 (0.06 euros)
• Discount: July 22 (0.50 euros)
• EYDAP: July 22 (0.10 euros)
• Eurobank: July 25 (0.09 euros)
• Alpha: July 26 (0.02 euros)
• National: July 29 (0.36 euros)

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(The above is a product of journalistic research and does not constitute an invitation to buy, sell or hold any stock)

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