2024-07-05 13:06:29
The Fraternal Rally for the Development of Lekié association celebrated its first anniversary in the Batchenga district on June 29. On this occasion, the bishop of the diocese of Obala, Mgr Sosthène Leopold Bayemi Matsei celebrated a blessing mass. Significant donations in kind were given to the populations.
70 solar street lamps, hospital beds, 70 tables-benches, more than 42 computers, and more than 300 pairs of glasses etc. this is in short the sum of the efforts made by the Rafdel association in one year, to contribute to the well-being of the populations of the Lekié department.
The celebration of the first anniversary coupled with the 6th Rafdel’s general assembly took place at the municipal stadium of Batchenga in the presence of Madame the Honorary Consul of Poland, the Bishop of the Diocese of Obala, the Prefect of Lekié, the Mayor of Batchenga, many other officials of the territorial administration of Lekié, traditional leaders, as well as the populations.
In his speech, the founding president of Rafdel, Dr. Joseph Bernard Dzene Edzegue, reminded the authorities present of the nature of this association “apolitical which brings together all the children of Lekié, that is to say more than 1450 members (Minister, Mayors, Doctors, Journalists, Engineers, Planters, Housewives, students etc.), around a common ideal beneficial to all: the development of Lekié”. He also stressed that this participatory approach by Rafdel is part of the recommendations of the SND30, inspired by the President of the Republic, Head of State, Paul Biya.
In his homily, Bishop Sosthène Leopold Bayemi Matsei indicated that there is reason to rejoice in what Rafdel has already done; it is a moment of prayer and the association must be congratulated for its achievements in the department of Lekié. “It’s very encouraging, I would like to tell you not to get discouraged even if it’s exhausting, keep going!”the clergy cried. And to advise “The best management style is not to impose one’s opinions on others, but to take into account the ideas of others in order to build better.”.
A moment of rejoicing, crowned with musical performances by local artists. In-kind donations consisting of solar street lamps, parasols, computers, etc. were given to the mayor of Batchenga and to the population. Bidoung Yves Kévin, Representative of the Prefect of Lekié, reiterated his encouragement to the President of Rafdel and all its members. “for their commendable actions and to reassure them of the availability of the administrative authorities of their constituency as well as the support of the Prefect of Lekié to always accompany them in the quest for the objectives they have set for themselves”.
The party ended in the evening with the cutting of the birthday cake around a buffet prepared by the Rafdel association. Next destination the district of Ebebda.