Cameroon: The evolution of modern couples – 2024-07-07 06:33:07

by times news cr

2024-07-07 06:33:07

In a Cameroon undergoing major changes, relationships are undergoing a real revolution. Far from the clichés of yesteryear, more and more Cameroonians aspire to unions based on mutual respect and equality. offers you a dive into the heart of this societal transformation that is shaping the Cameroon of tomorrow.

Communication: the keystone of happy couples

« “In the past, we were told that women should keep quiet. Today, we know that dialogue is essential.”explains Mrs. Ngo Nyobe, a marriage counselor in Douala. This change in mentalities is profoundly transforming couple dynamics.

Pierre and Marie, married for 5 years, testify: “We make decisions together. Sometimes we don’t agree, but we discuss it until we find a compromise. That’s respect.”

Redefining roles in the home

The distribution of household chores, once a taboo subject, is now the subject of negotiations within modern Cameroonian couples.

“My husband cooks better than me,” laughs Françoise, a manager in a Yaoundé company. “Why should I deprive myself? We are a team, everyone brings their strengths.”«

Financial independence: a new paradigm

Women’s financial autonomy is disrupting traditional patterns. Far from being a threat, it appears to be an asset for many couples.

Jean-Paul, an entrepreneur in Bafoussam, testifies: “My wife earns more than me. At first, I had a hard time accepting it. But I understood that it was an opportunity for our family. We are building our future together.”

Educating children: a shared responsibility

The involvement of fathers in the education of children is gaining ground. A development welcomed by many specialists.

« Children need both parents“, underlines Dr. Atangana. “A present and involved father contributes greatly to family balance.«

Challenges persist

Despite these advances, obstacles remain. Family and societal pressures still weigh on many couples.

« My in-laws don’t always understand how we operate.”confides Paul, an engineer in Kribi. “But we remain faithful to our values. It’s our couple, our choice.”

Towards a new model of masculinity

The evolution of couples is accompanied by a redefinition of masculinity. Far from the stereotypes of ” dominant male “many men are embracing a more nuanced view of their role.

« Being a man is not about dominating your wife”says Joseph, a teacher and gender equality activist. “It’s about being a partner, a support, while also knowing how to accept the support of others.«

The impact on Cameroonian society

This evolution of relationships has repercussions far beyond the private sphere. It influences education, the world of work and even the political sphere.

As sociologist Marthe Ebelle explains: “When couples operate on an egalitarian model, it ripples out throughout society. It’s a powerful force for change.«

The road to total equality in Cameroonian couples is still long, but progress is undeniable. This development, far from weakening unions, seems on the contrary to strengthen them.

A couple where each person can flourish while building a common project is a solid couple. This is the future we want for Cameroon. Marital harmony, based on mutual respect and equality, thus appears as an essential pillar for building a fairer and more fulfilled Cameroon.

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