The dean of the Faculty of Geology and Geography Prof. Kliment Naydenov met with the ambassador of Algeria – 2024-07-07 16:43:00

by times news cr

2024-07-07 16:43:00

At the invitation of H.E. Messaoud Mekhila, Exsplorers Club Bulgaria participates in the celebrations on the occasion of the 62nd anniversary of the independence of Algeria

On July 5, 2024 at the Central Military Club in Sofia, the dean of the Faculty of Geology and Geography of the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Prof. Kliment Naydenov, held a meeting with the Ambassador of Algeria, HE Messaud Mekhila. The event was on the occasion of the 62nd anniversary of the independence of Algeria and was organized by the Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Algeria in Bulgaria.

The invitation to Prof. Naydenov was extended by the Embassy of Algeria as a continuation of the successful Bulgarian expedition held earlier this year in Tassili n’Adjer, together with archaeologist Prof. Nikolay Ovcharov and traveler Severina Markova. The expedition organized by Explorers Club Bulgaria aimed to explore archaeological and geographical sites in the interior of the Sahara desert.

During the meeting, Prof. Kliment Naydenov extended an invitation to the ambassador of Algeria, H.E. Messaud Mehila, to hold a joint open lecture in the month of October at Sofia University, at which the results of the Explorers Club Bulgaria expedition, as well as the possibilities for future cooperation between Bulgaria and Algeria in the fields of science, education and tourism, will be presented to the students.

As an expression of the friendly relations between Bulgaria and Algeria, Prof. Naydenov presented His Excellency Messaud Mehila painting by the famous Bulgarian artist Simeon Halachev, titled “Fishing near Pomorie”.

“This gesture is a reference to the importance of protecting and developing each region. Fishing is an important part of the life of the coastal communities in Algeria, and also in some parts of Bulgaria, which makes this gift particularly symbolic,” said Professor Naydenov. “I hope that our future joint activities will contribute to the deepening of interstate scientific ties and the exchange of knowledge,” he added.

Explorers Club Bulgaria is an organization that unites researchers and scientists dedicated to the advancement of scientific research and environmental protection on a global scale. The club aims to promote science and research by organizing expeditions, scientific conferences and educational programs. Created with the support of leading Bulgarian scientists, Explorers Club Bulgaria already has behind it a number of successful missions and projects that contribute to the development of scientific research in Bulgaria and around the world.

“In the fall of this year, we have a meeting with the President of the World Explorers Club, Mr. Richard Garriott, at which we will outline the steps for the further joint activities of the Bulgarian branch of the club and the World Explorers Club,” announced Prof. Naydenov.

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