To be extended to the west is its Line 4 under construction Subway Athena’s.

In particular, in the current phase, its extension from the “Alsos Veikou” station to Petroupoli, so that it passes through Nea Ionia and Nea Philadelphia, is being studied.

The specific extension includes 6 new stations that will serve areas of N. Ionia, N. Philadelphia, Ag. Anargyro, Ilio and Petroupoli.

In fact, the new Line will also serve AEK fans, who will have easy access to the club’s new stadium.

In this context, the initial planning of the extension was changed, as at the beginning it was planned to build a station near the ISAP station of the same name in Perissos and then in New Filadelfia at the intersection of Dekelia and Vryoulon avenues.

It was established that there were important reasons for choosing an alternative layout of the project with a station near the station of the same name in Pefkakia instead of Perissos and then in New Philadelphia, in a public park of sufficient area for the construction of the station (Asia Minor Memorial Park), at a distance of approximately 150 m. from the “OPAP Arena”.

The budget of the project amounts to 600 million euros.

According to officials of Attiko Metro, the planning of the Athens Metro, with regard to the main project and its extensions, results from specialized transport studies, which take into account population criteria, predicted transport demand, etc.

The scalability of the Athens Metro is a given, within the framework of maturity of the studies and subject to funding.

Source: RES-MPE

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