Portugal and France played a great football game and in the “lottery” of penalties, after extra time, the victory and the passage to the semi-finals made France smile and they will face Spain who beat Germany this Friday. The first moment of excitement came after the 20th minute with a strong shot from outside the area by Theo Hernández, which was saved by Diogo Costa, hitting the ball. Half an hour into the game, Bruno Fernandes scored the goal. Great pass from Cancelo, tearing through the entire French defense and catching the Portuguese midfielder who shot inside the area to make a great save from Maignan. After the move, João Cancelo shoots with his left foot, in an arc, but over the top. Again Portugal close to the goal. Rafael Leão gets into the French area well and makes a sweet pass for Vitinha to shoot first time. Once again Maignan denied the Portuguese goal with another great save. In response, it was France who almost scored. Randal Kolo Muani shot and Rúben Dias made a great cut. France were on top of the game again, after some dangerous moves from Portugal, and Camavinga almost scored but the ball went very close to Diogo Costa’s goal post. In extra time, Cristiano Ronaldo almost scored after a beautiful play by Francisco Conceição on the right. The captain of the national team shot crookedly and over the top. Shortly after, it was Rafael Leão who had a great opportunity, but his shot was blocked by an opponent, and he was unable to reach the ball for the subsequent rebound. Just near the end of extra time, Portugal counter-attacked and Nuno Mendes, serving Bernardo Silva and in a good position, shot at Maignan. On penalties they beat France 5-3.