Man sentenced to prison for carrying replica Zelda sword

by times news cr

2024-07-08 01:09:53

Four months in prison were sentenced to a man who walked around with a replica of a sword from the iconic Nintendo saga, The legend of Zeldain the center of Warwickshire, England.

The man identified as Anthony Bray, The 48-year-old man was walking through the streets of the city openly displaying the replica sword, which is why he was spotted by the local police through security cameras on June 8.

When intervened by police officers, Bray would have approached them with the object visible in the handso after some investigations and noticing how sharp the object was, he was arrested.

While at the police station, Bray stated that the ‘Master Sword’ was used by him as a ‘anti-stress’ and thus keep your hands busy, in addition to mentioning having purchased it online.

Faced with this, the police refuted that it was an object pointed It could be used as a weapon and “make others afraid that it would be used against them.” They also point out that the sword came with a sheath that the accused rarely used.

Despite police allegations, Bay maintained that I wouldn’t use it as a weapon, however, the accused was finally sentenced on June 28 with a sentence of 4 months in prisonas well as paying a fine of 154 pounds ($195).

“It is possible to find stress toys that don’t have six-inch blades. It is possible to not walk down the street holding them in front of you. With a little more self-awareness, Bray could have avoided contact with us altogether,” shared Sergeant Spellman of the Patrol Investigations Unit.


2024-07-08 01:09:53

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