Kidnaps mother and 5-year-old son, arrested in Valsugana after 100km escape – News

by times news cr

2024-07-08 05:41:15

GRIGNO. The Carabinieri of various commands in the Veneto region have freed in Grigno a 26 year old woman and her 5 year old son that had been kidnapped by an Albanian who was arrested. The intervention involved the military of the Provincial Commands of Padua, Treviso, Vicenza and Trento who were activated after the alarm raised yesterday by the woman’s husband.

According to what has been learned, the suspect, 33 years old, resident in the Treviso area, intercepted in Borgoricco (Padua), the woman who was driving her son to nursery school, and with the threat of a knife forced them to stop. Then the man took the wheel of the car, taking the child and the mother with him, in the meantime immobilized with plastic straps on their ankles. After about half an hour, the husband, alarmed by his wife’s failure to return home, called 112: the Carabinieri of Cittadella (Padua) managed to get in touch with the 26-year-old who, threatened by the man, responded evasively, thus setting off the alarm at the various operations centers that activated the search.

The alert was extended to the entire Veneto region and the surrounding regions. The Carabinieri, through the activation of a widespread technical localization authorized by the Padua Prosecutor’s Office, with the support of license plate detection systems located along the main roads, managed to locate the vehicle, always driven by the man who, brandishing the knife, was holding the woman and child hostage.

There was a chase for almost a hundred kilometers to Grigno where the car driven by the kidnapper was surrounded and blocked. The woman and her son were freed, while the Albanian was handcuffed. At this stage the military of Bassano del Grappa (Vicenza) and Borgo Valsugana also intervened.

2024-07-08 05:41:15

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