Gangwon Special Self-Governing Province Achieves Excellent Disaster Management Evaluation for 2 Consecutive Years

by times news cr

2024-07-08 08:34:32

Gangwon Special Self-Governing Province has achieved the Excellent Disaster Management Evaluation for two consecutive years. Gangwon Special Self-Governing Province has been selected as an excellent grade for two consecutive years in the 2024 (’23 performance) disaster management evaluation conducted by the Ministry of the Interior and Safety.

The disaster management evaluation is a comprehensive evaluation conducted by the Minister of Public Safety and Security to diagnose the key capabilities of disaster management agencies in each disaster management stage (prevention, preparation, response, and recovery). It has been conducted since 2005 to improve the level of disaster management at the national level.

The evaluation targeted 338 disaster management responsible organizations including central government ministries (29), public institutions (66), and local governments (243), and Gangwon-do Autonomous Province was selected as an excellent organization among 17 metropolitan autonomous bodies, achieving the achievement of being an excellent organization for two consecutive years.

This year’s evaluation was conducted based on the disaster management performance of the previous year, but the weight of the capacity evaluation for the purpose of intensively examining the agency’s capacity was strengthened, and the capacity for actual response and recovery capacity evaluation and decision-making in situational judgment was measured.

In the quantitative evaluation, not only the provincial government itself but also the cities and counties were evaluated to strengthen specific disaster work capabilities including prevention, preparation, response, and recovery, and indicators such as rapid disaster text message transmission and utilization and management of warning facilities were improved to reflect timeliness, thereby promoting upward standardization of the disaster management level of the entire Gangwon Special Self-Governing Province.

In addition, Gangwon Special Self-Governing Province achieved an excellent grade by achieving remarkable results in disaster and safety accident response, such as quickly responding to and thoroughly recovering from the large-scale Gangneung forest fire in April last year by expanding the organization and strengthening expertise in disaster management last year, thereby enhancing the agency’s capabilities and responsibility, and safely completing the 2024 Winter Youth Olympic Games despite heavy snow.

The city was selected as an excellent organization for two consecutive years for its excellent performance with thorough disaster safety preparation and outstanding response capabilities, including being selected as an excellent organization in all 42 evaluation indicators this time, and received a commendation from the Ministry of the Interior and Safety, a special grant of 88 million won, and a separate prize money.

The province plans to utilize the results of this evaluation to widely disseminate best practices and improve and supplement relatively insufficient indicators to improve performance. In addition, among the 18 cities and counties in the province, five cities and counties, Chuncheon-si, Pyeongchang-gun, Gangneung-si, Yangyang-gun, and Jeongseon-gun, were selected as excellent organizations.

Jeon Jae-seop, the director of the Disaster and Safety Office, said, “Considering the possibility of extreme climate change and new complex disasters, we will continue to strengthen Gangwon’s specialized disaster management system, and as an organization responsible for disaster management through evaluation, we will look back on our mission and role, identify and develop areas of deficiency or improvement, and continue our efforts to protect the safety of the residents.”

Queen Choi Ha Na Reporter


2024-07-08 08:34:32

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