Covid, Siena hospital extends use of masks in wards and emergency rooms – Health and Wellbeing

by times news cr

2024-07-08 08:46:30

(ANSA) – SIENA, JULY 8 – The use of masks in the hospital wards and emergency room of the Santa Maria alle Scotte hospital in Siena has been extended. The health management explains that, following ministerial circular no. 0019544 of July 1, “it maintains a prudential attitude to prevent the spread of the virus and protect, in particular, fragile patients such as people with onco-hematological diseases, transplant recipients, immunosuppressed, etc., present in numerous hospitalization settings, also taking into account the structural characteristics of the hospitalization areas”.
“The SARS-CoV-2 virus – explains the health director, Maria De Marco – does not have the characteristics of seasonality typical of other respiratory viruses and, therefore, can manifest itself at any time of the year. The use of respiratory protection masks has constituted a fundamental barrier against the spread of Covid-19 and in general for the control of the spread of all respiratory viruses in healthcare and social-healthcare facilities”.
“Furthermore – concludes the health director – the provisions currently in force on the performance of the pre-hospitalization nasopharyngeal swab remain valid. Pre-hospitalization swabs will continue to be able to be carried out at the hospital swab point, always active in the former emergency room area, bookable through the hospitalization department”. (ANSA).

2024-07-08 08:46:30

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