What is the Patriots for Europe, the new party of the European Parliament that Vox and Le Pen have joined, and what does it protect?

by time news

2024-07-08 14:28:15

After the French elections, political movements do not stop. After that Vox’s announcement to change the European Parliamentfrom Association of European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) a Patriot for Europe, Marine Le Pen and her party, National Rally, have announced that they are following the path of the European Parliament of those brought by Santiago Abascal.

This new addition to the European Chamber was was launched last June by Hungarian Prime Minister and head of Fidesz, Viktor OrbánFormer Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babiš y Herbert Kicklleader of the Austrian group FPÖ.

Since then, a lot of people are attached to different Eurogroups, from the European People’s Party until Identity and democracythey have joined Patriot for Europeamong which is, for now:

  • Christian Democratic People’s Party – Hungary.
  • To – Portugal.
  • Vox – Spain.
  • National Group – France.
  • League – Italy.
  • Independence Party – Netherlands.
  • Danish People’s Party – Denmark.

“We are creating a political establishment that I believe in will become more and more quickly become a larger part of the European right” he assured Orban himself during the event of the constitution of the new Eurogroup, which includes the composition of these different people will become the third power in the European Parliament, with a total of 84 MEPs.

One of the fugitives most notable thing is that of the The Prime Minister of Italy, Giorgia Meloniwhich will continue in ECR, to which Abascal made a few words on his profile on the social network: “The dual relationship of VOX with Fratelli D’Italia goes far beyond the parties in the European Parliament. Because it is a common historical task that, with all allies, will rebuild Europe.”

What do Patriots for Europe protect?

Given the new appearance Patriotas Por Europa, we must see original manifesto to see which positions will be defended in the European Parliament.

To begin with, writing begins with a criticism of the current model of the European Unionwhich they describe as “a dream project based on reconciliation after the devastation of two world wars and decades of division, which have turned into Europeans pursuing the interests of the nations languages, regions and regions that make up Europe. “.

Likewise, they announced that they European countries are threatened byunknown companies for European cities, too world military, unelected bureaucratslobbies and interest groups that despise the voice of the majority and popular democracy”, which will be replaced by “a Central European State”.

So, they decided that the the political situation is not between left and rightbut among “centralists who they want a European superstate and the countries and governments that fight to preserve and strengthen the Europe of Nations”.

EU.- Patriot for Europe now meets the important requirement to be a bloc in the European ParliamentEuropa Press

Finally, They say they believe in one Europe:

  • “Of strong nations, proud and independent, free to live and cooperate with others.”
  • “Incorporation by companies with rights in countries.”
  • “The king and the unbeliever in the pursuit of his interests, without the background that hinders the fulfillment of the will of his people.”
  • “Committed to peace and communication, while ready to defend itself against any threat.”
  • “Which protects and celebrates its European identity, customs and traditions, the fruit of the Greco-Roman and Judeo-Christian legacies.”
  • “That celebrates the difference between your countries, your history and your way of life, while resisting ultimatums to change according to the culture of the time.”
  • “That protects real freedoms, fundamental rights and human dignity, while resisting attempts to limit or redefine those freedoms.”
  • “Competitiveness, productivity, efficiency and pride of intellectual, scientific and economic achievements as a computer of innovation, excellence and progress.”
  • “Resolve to protect your borders, stop illegal immigration and preserve your cultural identity.”
  • “That countries are prepared to protect their people from any and all potential threats that come from political, economic, religious and cultural areas.”
  • “That respects the authority and its own rules, does not act beyond its powers, in accordance with the principles of division and division”
  • “In countries that refuse to continue transferring their national sovereignty to European institutions.”
  • “That recognizes diplomacy as an important basis of the sovereignty of member states, allowing each state to decide freely without committing to the same course.”
  • “That respects the veto right of nations.”

That’s it, and finally, those Patriots for Europe pledge to “return the future of our continent to Europeans”and reorient “European policies to serve our countries and their people.”

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