Vote counting in Cuauhtémoc mayor’s office; Gonzalo López Beltran; tour with AMLO; PRI and PAN; Cabinet Thursday and more

by times news cr

2024-07-08 18:35:20

The virtual president-elect, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, offered a press conference today, July 8 where he highlighted the continuity of the 4T projects.

The virtual president-elect of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum, continues with her activities after the 2024 elections, where she emerged victorious in the race for the presidential seat.

For this reason, this Monday, July 8, the virtual president-elect gave a Press conference, from Iztapalapa, where his campaign headquarters was and which now serves as his transition office.

The press conference It started after 11:00 a.m. and was also broadcast on Claudia Sheinbaum’s various social networks, including her YouTube channel.

Between the Topics to be discussed during the press conferenceSheinbaum Pardo spoke about her tour with President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) in northwestern Mexico.

Likewise, the virtual president-elect highlighted the continuity of the unfinished projects of the 4T, and the expansion of others, such as the implementation of more passenger trains.

Other topics to be discussed would be the presentation of the Remaining profiles of the Government Cabinetwhere he noted that every Thursday he will announce the remaining profiles, including institutions such as CFE.

Claudia Sheinbaum supported the counting of votes in the Cuauhtémoc mayor’s office, where Caty Monreal has not accepted her defeatnte Alessandra Rojo de la Vega; and spoke about the visit of Gonzalo Lopez Beltran.

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Press conference 07/08/2024” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen=”” title=”Conferencia de prensa 08/07/2024″>

Claudia Sheinbaum assures that Gonzalo López Beltrán will not work in the government

The candidate elected president of Mexico He spoke about the meeting he had with the son of President AMLO, and assured that he did not go with expectations of a position in the government.

According to Claudia Sheinbaum, He met with Gonzalo López Beltrán because he has known him for a long time and has great affection for him, like the other children of the current president.

However, he ruled out the possibility that AMLO’s son would occupy a position in his government.

“Gonzalo has no intention of working in the government. He just happened to come to greet me and congratulate me. We had not had the opportunity to talk. I have known the president’s children for a long time and there is affection, but he is not going to work in the government.”

Claudia Sheinbaum

Claudia Sheinbaum supports the counting of votes in the Cuauhtémoc mayor’s office where Caty Monreal lost

Claudia Sheinbaum said in favor of the counting of votes, polling station by polling station, in the Cuautémoc municipality, in Mexico City (CDMX).

The virtual president-elect questioned why the candidate Alessandra Rojo de la Vega and the PRIAN do not want the vote count to be carried out in all the polling stations in Cuauhtémoc.

This is in response to the demands of the Morena candidate, Caty Monreal, who has not acknowledged her defeat in the 2024 elections.

“What they are asking for is that the votes be counted, I don’t see why not. What’s the problem with recounting the votes if they are so sure of victory?”

Claudia Sheinbaum

Claudia Sheinbaum believes that the PRI and the PAN must renew themselves in the face of internal problems

Claudia Sheinbaum was questioned about the renewal of the PRI statutes, which allow the national leader to be reelected for three consecutive terms.

The presidential candidate-elect pointed out that The decision of the PRI members is an example of what the PRI is nowand highlighted the Internal problems that exist in the tricolor party and in the PAN bench after the defeat in the 2024 elections.

Claudia Shenbaum said that in light of the signs of internal conflict, opposition parties must also renew themselves.

It is a bit of an example of what the PRI is like now, the defeat when it happens as it happened now in the PRI and the PAN, well look what there is, a huge discussion inside between Calderón and the current leadership, and between Javier Lozano and Marko Cortés.

They also have to renew themselves, but it is their issue.”

Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo

Claudia Sheinbaum confirms that cabinet meetings will continue on Thursdays

The virtual president-elect confirmed that Thursdays of government cabinet appointments will continueadding to the profiles that will lead the extended cabinet, for example, the CFE.

Claudia Sheinbaum also pointed out that This Thursday, July 11, he will appoint the holders of the Secretariats of:

  • Turismo
  • Culture
  • Labor and Social Security
  • Cabinet Coordination

“We will continue with Thursday’s Cabinet meeting.

There are several decentralized government agencies and we are defining and talking with those who currently participate in these agencies. Some will probably stay and others would be changing.

This Thursday it would be Tourism, Culture, Labor and we will recover the Coordination of the Cabinet, head of office.”

Claudia Sheinbaum

Claudia Sheinbaum highlights that she was the first woman to enter the Yaqui people’s hut

Likewise, Claudia Sheibaum highlighted that on her tour she was received by the rulers of the Yaqui people, where, for the first time, They handed over the baton of command and accepted a woman into their meeting.

In this regard, the virtual president-elect highlighted that will continue working on justice plans for the Yaqui People and other indigenous communities.

He also said he would continue working on constitutional reform that recognizes indigenous and Afro-Mexican peoples.

“For the first time a woman enters a meeting of the governors of the Yaqui people, there are 8 governors, the first time that the baton of command is given to a woman and particularly that a woman enters a meeting where there were always men (…) it was something very beautiful, very symbolic.”

Claudia Sheinbaum

Claudia Sheinbaum reports on her tour with AMLO: She will continue with these projects in her government

Claudia Sheinbaum shared details of what her tour with AMLO was like during the weekend of July 5-7, where He highlighted his visit to the power plants in Baja California and Sonora.

The virtual president-elect pointed out that during that visit the continuity of the electric power project, in where work will be done to conclude the pending issues of the AMLO government.

Among them, he announced that in 2025 work will be done to grant another 300 megawatts for the Baja California power plant, in order to reach the gigawatt promised during the first government of the 4T.

“In total, there are 5 gigawatts planned for Sonora that we are going to fulfill, but one project that we are going to do is 300 megawatts.”

Claudia Sheinbaum

2024-07-08 18:35:20

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