The Socialist Party of Macedonia demanded the denunciation of the treaty with Bulgaria – 2024-07-09 07:01:49

by times news cr

2024-07-09 07:01:49

The Socialist Party of Macedonia (MSP), a coalition partner of the ruling VMRO-DPMNE, demanded the denunciation of the agreement with Bulgaria and the protocols to it, reported a BGNES reporter.

The chairman of the party and deputy prime minister in the office of Prime Minister Hristiyan Mickoski is Lyupcho Dimovski, who is responsible for the political system.

The party said in a statement that “the leaders of Macedonia’s eastern and southern neighbors are acting orchestrated with imperial demands against the interests of the Macedonian people.”

“With their statements, they again show the national-chauvinistic aspirations of the 19th century, ignoring the reality and existence of the Macedonian people and country as an independent, sovereign and independent state, established in international systems and organizations. It is necessary to start a procedure of review and renegotiation to termination of the asymmetric agreement with the supposedly good neighbor, i.e. the protocols and accompanying documents, which are changed and supplemented to the detriment of Macedonia. the internal traitors who changed the name and symbols of Macedonia”, says the SME.

The Treaty of Friendship, Good Neighborliness and Cooperation was signed on August 1, 2017 by the then Prime Ministers of Bulgaria and the Republic of Macedonia, Boyko Borisov and Zoran Zaev. The agreement opened the way for Skopje to resolve the name dispute with Greece, to join NATO and the path to membership in the European Union.

MSP is an openly pro-Serbian formation. For decades, its leader was the now deceased Lyubisav Ivanov – Dzingo, who communicated directly with the Serbian underground world and paramilitary formations, and his media became the main tool of Nikola Gruevski’s regime for anti-Bulgarian hysteria and the destruction of the legal order in the country. Dzingo was among the most prominent supporters of Slobodan Milosevic’s regime and maintained close ties with Belgrade until the end. Before his death, Dzingo’s Sitel TV, now controlled by his son, was involved in calls for the storming and pogrom of the American embassy in Skopje in the spring of 1999.

In the current government, the pro-Serbian and pro-Kremlin politician Ivan Stolkovich is also the deputy prime minister, who announced that he will leave the RSM if the Bulgarians are included in the Constitution. Stoilkovic called the 1995 Srebrenica genocide, when Bosnian Serbs massacred more than 9,000 Bosnian Muslims, a “Disneyland”. In October of this year, the politician stated that “the Macedonian state has no future without Serbia”. The Deputy Prime Minister welcomes every visiting Russian politician in Skopje, including Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.

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