Echolaser, laser-ultrasound technology for prostate and thyroid treatment

by time news

The Barbantini Clinic in Lucca

From spring dedicated training courses for specialists and general practitioners

Is called EchoLaser and is the new therapeutic solution developed by the Tuscan company Elesta SpA for patients suffering from benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and nodular pathology of the thyroid gland. Thanks to the partnership signed with Korian, EchoLaser will be used at the San Camillo Nursing Homes in Forte dei Marmi and Barbantini in Lucca, in the treatment of the two diseases, which are highly widespread in the population.

Just think that in the case ofbenign prostatic hypertrophy we are talking about a disease that not only affects 80% of over 50s and in 2019 saw the diagnosis of 7 million cases in Italybut which is also progressive and, if not properly treated, can cause permanent damage to the bladder. Nodular thyroid disease is also commonly observed in clinical practice, with a prevalence in adults from 3% to 7% based on palpation, with percentages that can increase to 70% following ultrasound examination.

The innovative micro-invasive EchoLaser system will therefore allow the facilities of the Korian group to provide an even more excellent service to their patients suffering from these pathologies, reducing the time of the operation as well as the costs of hospitalization. The micro-invasive procedures performed with EchoLaser can be performed in day-hospital (without the need for anesthesia) or in specialized clinics, with a brief observation and in conditions of maximum safety for the patient.

A not negligible aspect both for the clinician and for the Health System and for the Patient, since it allows reduce waiting lists, reduce costs linked to traditional surgeries and, given the ongoing health emergency, of ttreat the disease even without hospitalization preventing the risks of infections and contagions and avoiding the postponement of interventions.

The technology can also be used in selected cases of patients with prostate cancer, candidates for the so-called Focal Therapy (focal therapy), an emerging alternative to surgical resection of the prostate, or from malignant lesions of the thyroid region, such as metastatic lymph nodes in the neck or thyroid microcarcinoma.

We are really excited to make state-of-the-art technology such as EchoLaser available to our userswhich will allow us to deliver in about thirty minutes on an outpatient basis an operative service for which general anesthesia is not necessary “, said dr. Carmine De Bartolomeis, endocrinology specialist at the Barbantini Nursing Home in Lucca. “EchoLaser also allows you to avoid damage to the structures adjacent to the thyroid gland (nerves, vocal cords), which is possible when surgery is performed. In this way we will contribute to helping numerous patients if we consider that, for example, nodular pathology of the thyroid gland has an incidence that can reach 70% of the population “.

“The one created by Elesta is a cutting-edge technology that will significantly raise the quality of the service offered by our structure also for the treatment of pathologies such as prostatic ones”, declares dr. Novello Pinzi, Head of the Urology Department of the Barbantini Clinic and urologist specialist at the San Camillo Nursing Home in Forte dei Marmi “These are rather common pathologies in the male population over 50, which when treated surgically can lead to complications such as sexual impotence and incontinence”.

The EchoLaser SoracteLite treatments for the treatment of BPH and EchoLaser ModìLite for the treatment of thyroid pathologies allow to eliminate the symptoms while preserving the organ (prostate or thyroid) with absolute atraumaticity for the patient, who is able to return to their daily activities within a few hours from the intervention. In the days following the treatment there is a progressive process of cytoreduction in the habit of the treated lesion, with consequent resolution of the symptoms.

To ensure that EchoLaser becomes increasingly an integral part of Korian’s offer, helping to affirm the group’s structures as centers of excellence in the treatment of the diseases concerned, starting from spring 2022 the technology will be the subject of training courses for doctors. specialists and general practitioners.


Korian is the leading European Group in Care and Assistance Services, founded in 2003, with approximately 89,000 beds in Europe (France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and Great Britain) and more than 57,500 employees. The Group manages more than 1000 facilities in four areas of activity: Residences for the Elderly, Nursing Homes and Rehabilitation Clinics, Home Care and Apartments for the Third and Fourth Age.

In Italy today Korian has 59 rest homes, 10 day care centers, 110 apartments for the elderly, 27 specialized centers for Alzheimer’s treatment, 17 multi-specialist and rehabilitation clinics, 28 outpatient and diagnostic centers, 4 psychiatric communities, 3 services of post-acute care, 4 residential centers for the disabled, 3 day centers for the disabled, 4 hospices and 10 home care services. For a total of more than 8,000 beds and more than 2 million outpatient services provided each year.

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